Do you have anything from my wants list?
Darkwing said:PokeKid Brandon:
Darkwing said:1x Shaymin Land Forme LvX (Only Flygon LvX or Luxray GL LvX for it. Bottom line.)
Anything else you saw?
TofU: Sorry, still not buying.
O.O How did you know I had Porygon-Z LvX? He's in one of my current decks, so he's not for trade, sorry! Is there anything else you have from my new wants? If so PLMK!
Darkwing said:sceptileblade411: Sorry, I no longer have fan rotom.
giggran: From your wants I also have:
S1x Porygon Z LvX
1x [RH] Alakazam 四
I saw:
x1 Electabuzz reprint (PL)
x2 {M} Magnezone (SF)
silver shaymin sleeves
shaymin dicebag
Do you have any of the {L} Magneton (SF) or Magnemite (DP)? PLMK!
Darkwing said:I'm not buying anything at the moment. (Lack of money)
Nothing I saw, sorry, seeing as you really aren't into the newer cards. Thanks anyway though.
Just a suggestion though, you might want to organize your LvX's a little better. The list is hard to read.
Darkwing said:TofU: Sorry about that, I took it off my list the day after.
VileBaseball: Suit yourself. >_>
And yes, I still want the heatran. ^-^
Darkwing said:I would do Regigigas LvX for it.