Dawn and Pachirisu's Spriting Contest ! (No more people ! First round ends Thursday!)

No, they aren't. I'm still waiting for bonsly1994 and BlazeKing's sprites. Second, this round doesn't end til Thursday. Except the score to be posted then or Friday. Friday at the lastes. But not til 7:30 pm both Thursday and Friday. I work up until 7:00 pm. Just don't be pushy, and I sugeest you reput up your entry in you avatar. And I suggest all entrants to do that, so it's easier for me to grade. But, please DON'T PM me your work, you'll lose points. And you don't want THAT, do you ?
Here is mine. It's Charmander recolored with Gengar.

One of my favorite fire pokemon and one of my favorite ghost pokemon.
Yay. Ghost and fire.
Okay, it's over scores are in !

porygonzman--Delcatty Recolor
Colors-5/5-Great mix of colors
Originality-2/5-Like someone said before, you used it before, not very original
Other-4/5-Nice eyes

BlazeKing-Charmander Recolor
Colors-3/5-Pretty decent
Originality-3/5-Pretty good with originaitly
Other-3/5-No Comments
Total-9/11--Try harder

shard79-Kecleon Recolor
Colors-5/5 Excellent use of colors
Originality-5/5-Excellent !
Other-5/5-What Pokemon did you use ?
Total-15/15 PREFECT !

vasoguardx-Raichu Recolor
Colors-4/5-Great Use of Color
Originality-5/5-Very orignal
Other-2/5-It's blurry

Winner of the Recolor Contest is shard79 !
NoobiePie, if you make a recolor, I can judge your and bonsly's. I need to judge his anyways...