Dawn and Piplup! ( Post here wat can they do. )

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I don't think Piplup will evolve with Dawn, I don't think she would want a Prinplup and sure can't handle an Empoleon, they seem to be good where they all now, small, spunky and cute (thats Piplup that is, Dawn has her own set of problems)
I hope Piplup doesn't evolve. He's so cute the way he is now. But i'm sure he'll evolve eventually, just like Torchic.
Here's what Dawn and Piplup can do:
Piplup can't battle to save it's life and it's sucked it pretty much every contest she entered. If May was to use a better Pokémon she would have won and she completely fluked with her first ribbon.
Imagine if May used a Venusaur on the contest. I still think piplup will evove, then she will sulk because prinplup isn't cute anymore.
Silver said:
Here's what Dawn and Piplup can do:
Piplup can't battle to save it's life and it's sucked it pretty much every contest she entered. If May was to use a better Pokémon she would have won and she completely fluked with her first ribbon.

Piplup has won both ribbons Dawn has. Piplup does not suck, and I doubt it will evolve.
Dont dis the Piplup! Piplup is uber but yeah i dont think piplup should evolve and to the guy who seems 2 hate piplup and says its like weak and stuff well pikachu is a crap pokemon! (stat wise anyway) yet somehow the stupid rodent is like invincible in the anime it like beats up pokemon way bigger than it. So basically what i am trying 2 say is Piplup is Uber and if Dawn had half a brain (and pants) then Piplup could own Ash.
wombat_tree said:
don't dis the Piplup! Piplup is uber but yeah I don't think piplup should evolve and to the guy who seems 2 hate piplup and says its like weak and stuff well pikachu is a crud pokemon! (stat wise anyway) yet somehow the stupid rodent is like invincible in the anime it like beats up pokemon way bigger than it. So basically what I am trying 2 say is Piplup is Uber and if Dawn had half a brain (and pants) then Piplup could own Ash.

Excuse me, Pikachu beat a Regice, Charizard won against an Articuno, and Sceptile tied with Blaziken. There is no freaking chance that Dawn could take down Ash. She already had her chance with Buizel and she threw it away.
^yeah, and that's not even the half of it (for example, may I direct you attention to half of the match against Gary?... Heracross fanned the fire away and beat Magmar after getting spam hit contiuously with fire blast, charizards owned blastoise and beat golem with one dragon rage, and other ridiculous things...)
CresseliaNightSky9 said:
when are they going to evolve it!
Pokemon Movie 11 or 12

...the movies have no effect on the anime, so it won't evolve then unless it somehow turns back into piplup at the end...
piplup will never evolve the only way piplup would be able to would be if kenny would place prinplup in the PC forever
They can't have two of the same pokemon on the same show. However, paul will likely get an electvire even though Gary has already has one.
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