Dawn & May: Their Journey...in Kanto

Freak :P

Hidden behind the Shadows.
Chapter One: The Meeting Place...

Dawn and May were given free boat passes to Kanto after winning the Pokemon Contests Loto Battle.They were chosen to have a battle and the two won winning two tickets for both of them.Of course they didn't know each other but they decided to be friends after realizing that they were both good and Pokemon Battles.

Dawn:"Hi my name is Dawn and we had a ncie battle!I almost beat you but my Buneary was keep on missing her Blizzard attack... Anyways we both got tickets to Kanto!"

May:"Umm...Anyways my name is May and you were pretty good as well!I never knew Bunearys could be as good as the one you have!"

Dawn:"Anyways lets go already!We're going to be late to Kanto!"

Zoey:"My my what do we have here?You guys going to Johto?"

May:"No stupid we're going to Kanto!"

May and Zoey stared at each other with stink eyes as Zoey rode the boat going to Johto.

Dawn:"Why did you call her stupid?"

May:"Wasn't that a boy?!?!?!"

Dawn and May rode the boat going to Kanto as they smirkeled about Zoey being a boy thing.Then they had arrived in Kanto.

May:"The air smeels different huh?I heard that Kanto is the most popular region around these days!

Dawn:"Your Norman's daughter aren't you?"

May:"Actually yes and I actually like it!I get everyone's attention!"

Dawn:"Where should we go?"

End of Chapter One.

A.Dawn and May should go to Misty's Gym.
B.Dawn and May should visit Ash.
C.Dawn and MMay should visit a gym.