This is probably the best move that I've seen them make since they decided to do no rotation back in '08. A HGSS-on rotation makes the format the healthiest I've seen in a long, long time. I mean, this rotation brings a healthy aspect to Pokemon. Now, I don't know how many of you here played pre-SP, but for those of you who have, remember when there wasn't a set line of cards to put in every deck?? Remember when there were those staple search cards but that's all that was really staple. Lists weren't cookie cutter. List building was complete SKILL. That's what they are trying to put back into this game. It won't be "if you can copy a random SP list off of the internet and have basic knowledge on how to play by reading the million articles on it you will do decent at the least as long as you don't run into bad matchups". It will be GOOD players who MADE there GOOD lists winning because they have the knowledge and skill to succeed at this game. Pokemon becomes less cookie cutter and more creative by this move. There will be more decks that are able to be used. My favorite format that I played in was DP-LA because it was the most diverse. There were so many different decks that you can play and do well with, with no clear BDIF. This is going to pretty much be the format once the rotations happens because there are so many good decks out there that can all be played. BlastZel, Zekrom, Magnezone Prime, Donphan Prime, Machamp Prime, ReshiBoar, Cinccino, Yanmega Prime, MewGar, LostGar, Mew Prime toolbox, Lostcario, Kingdra, Feraligatr Prime, T-Tar prime, along with what will be coming (Gothitelle, the genies, possibly Victini) are all good decks that can compete in a competitive enviorment and have a chance at winning. Yes, I just named off 15 current decks along with 3-5 (depending if Victini and Landorous comes out) that are going to be here once the next set comes out. The best part is, I didn't even name every good combo yet. Heck I can come back here tomorrow with 5 more good decks that will be in this format. When was the last time that happened??
As for the rare candy arguement, I have mixed feelings about it. I think it is due to the fact that right now they are trying to go back to how Base set-on was played, a slower format. You can also see by many cards being printed are just like ones from Base set (Juniper is old prof. oak, catcher is GoW, candy is now breeder, pokedex reprinted, crush hammer is energy removal w/ a flip, etc.).
Overall, this is an extremely healthy move for the format and I fully support it.