DPPt/HGSS Decent Medicham Moveset?


Aspiring Trainer
Hey guys, Im trying to train myself a formidable Medicham, but for the life of me, I have no ideas for a good moveset.

I mean, of course I want to abuse the Pure Power option, but I feel that it's not totally... cutting it.

So, here. This is what Im working with now, and maybe you Medicham Veterans could show me a thing or two?

Medicham Lvl. 60 - Pure Power
@ Fist Plate

1. Hi Jump Kick (STAB, High Damage Output)
2. Ice Punch (Hits Flying, who he's weak too; also Dragon-Counter)
3. Psychic (Stab, Special Option)
4. Recover (Just in case, especially if I miss w/ HJK)

Im sure you guys can think of something better, right?

I'm not really sure about your moveset as I rarely use Medicham, but the one below me is notorious...

Medicham @Salac Berry
Nature? Not sure, I think it's Adamant or Jolly. :S


See the strategy? In double battle, your other Pokemon uses Explosion while Medicham Endures. This will activate Salac Berry and Pure Power, making Medicham fast and strong. Reversal will also do maximum damage. I forgot the other two moves, EV spread and nature, so I'll leave that to someone else.
Ahhh, Noobnerd, I get it. Normally, Im not one for 'Tricky' or technical movesets, but I see where that's going and see possibilities. Except, I don't really have a Pokemon with Explosion, and don't plan on Double-Battling much. But, I like it.

But, Mew, I looked at the moves you suggested... Medicham can't learn either Zen Headbutt or Close Combat (Unfortunatley).
heres what i prefer
item:focus sash
focus punch
ice punch

but honestly i would suggest getting yourself a gallade do to the fact that it is much stronger.
Zen Headbutt and Close Combat are egg moves, but I'm not sure if you can have the same Medicham know both through breeding lines...

Important notes for using Medicham:
Do not give Medicham Special moves. His ability affects only his Attack, so don't waste his potential.
Do not give Medicham recovery or support moves. He lacks the defenses and speed to use them more effectively than more pure physical attacks.
Give Medicham a Choice Band or Choice Scarf to make the most out of his high, un-altered attack stat.

Also, in general, try not to use strategies that rely on remaining with 1 hit point anymore. With the additions of Abomasnow and Hippowdon, as well as the many new hit first attacks, they are near impossible to pull off effectively anymore.
Well, that's mainly the problem, Soren; Medicham seems to have a very lackluster set of Physical attack moves.

I've looked, and none of them really stick to me, or look like they could be tied together in any manner.
If this is for your in-game team, just go with whichever punch you lack in type (ie, you don't have a fire type, use fire punch). Psychic works well to. Just be carefull, Medicham can really take a beating if your not quick enough. It's defense isn't that great. But, if you want to make it into a staller, use thouse moves that switch stats around like Trick Room and Power Trick.
Smogon had a very good moveset which u need an egg move (physco cut) also medichams attack stat at level 50 would be in the 90s. His ability is pure power. Pure power says it boosts his attack stat but it doubles his attack stat. therefore if u have a medicham with higher than 80 attack his Attacks hit massive damage on foes - Medichams best moveset would be

Choice band/choice scarf

High jump kick / brick break / drain punch - i made up drain punch becuz it heals
Physo cut (egg move)
Ice punch

I suggest ev train on machamps if u have A.r. other wise use a super rod to fight gyarados and seaking. mot likely after u ev trained your medicham will have hit attack stat in the hundreds so he will always 0hko pokemon with Pure pwoer doubling his attack stat