Everyone seems to have forgotten Delphox entirely, including Pokémon, seeing as Braxien is in so many more things than Delphox (it even has more TCG cards)
That poor beautiful mage
Everyone seems to have forgotten Delphox entirely, including Pokémon, seeing as Braxien is in so many more things than Delphox (it even has more TCG cards)
I hope we'll also see some cards in the TCG of the starters' Secondary Types, they're all different even then! Could eventually tempt me back into faking...
I noticed something awesome lol that just like the X and Y starters, the Sun and Moon starters both their types are super strong against the two types of the weaker one.
Example: FIre starter(dont like final form) is fire and dark fire isstrong against grass and dark is strong against ghost(comparing with the grass final). just like how greninja(water/dark) is stronger than delphox(fire/psychic)
Also does pokemon have some addiction to making 4 legged fire starters into 2 legged in the final evolution.example-Tepig,fennekin and now litten....sigh
Meh... I hope not. Fairy desperately needs a good nerf, but boosting Ghost (and Gengar too, who really doesn't need any more help) isn't what I personally had in mind.I think this confirms a slight matchup change. The circle wouldn't make sense unless Fairy was changed to be weak to Ghost, which would be overall both healthy for overall balance and even more of a buff to Gengar. Every gen seems to buff it (elemental punches as TMs, more new moves, special Ghost moves, more powerful Poison moves, Mega Evolution), so this wouldn't be a stretch.
Incineroar is disgusting. The only good thing about it is it isn't fire/fighting. I already didn't like Litten and desperately hoped that the concept art was fake. It's design is incredibly bad, it feels like Cat Emboar that creeps into the uncanny valley, the mouth looks off and it just fails to get anything right.
I'm seriously baffled as I'm reading through the comments. Can't understand how people can be excited about this..
Yes, but Psychic/Fighting/Dark is a true triangle, with each member having a strength and a weakness. This triangle would have one side missing, and thus cease to be a triangle. Fairy really does need a nerf, just like Dragon did and Fairy made happen. Besides, Gengar just keeps getting stronger with every generation (only one to be OU for the series's entire existence), and making it even more of a Fairy counter thsn it already is wouldn't hurt, right?There's always some imbalance to these secondary triangle theories, because Grass/Fire/Water is the only true type triangle in the game.
It's just like the Gen VI starters: Dark is actually immune to Psychic, but Psychic is not immune to Fighting, and Fighting is not immune to Dark. That's not fair, Greninja has an advantage! you might say.
I'm not in favour of them changing type matchups again after they just did it last gen. But Fairy sure does need a nerf. Maybe Ghost could just get a Fairy resistance. And then lose its stupid Bug resistance.
It would if Ghost-type is the only type GameFreak changes to balance Fairy-types (like how only Steel-type saw any changes last generation) and how there are better ways of balancing the type chart than making an already good type even more powerful (like, you know, boosting weaker types).Besides, Gengar just keeps getting stronger with every generation (only one to be OU for the series's entire existence), and making it even more of a Fairy counter thsn it already is wouldn't hurt, right?
SkyeVictini said:Thank Arceus in the Hall of Origin that Inciniroar is not a Fighting type! You have no idea how relived I am!
It would if Ghost-type is the only type GameFreak changes to balance Fairy-types (like how only Steel-type saw any changes last generation) and how there are better ways of balancing the type chart than making an already good type even more powerful (like, you know, boosting weaker types).
I didn't read any new post after the mine one, so maybe someone already spoked about it, but: It couldn't be Fighting at all… just imagine, how unbalaced it would be, if they gave it a Fighting type:
It would be not only weak to both part (types) of Primarina (if I'm not mistaken, Fighting is weak to Fairy?), but also it could be totally useless against Decidueye, if it gained some of Fighting type attacks, because with the Ghost part Decidueye would be (and actulally IS) immune to Fighting attacks. It is only logical that Incineroar got the Dark typing and if anyone of you was worried about another Fire/Fighting starter, it was unnecessary.
Still, if they have to give starters another typing, I'd reverted it, to actually make them more balaced. I mean:
Grass/Fighting, Fire/Fairy and Water/Ghost
Grass is weak to Fire but Fighting is immune to Ghost… the same for the rest. I mean, the starters would have one advantage and one diadvatage against each other if you understand me (and I'm sure you understand)…
To answer your question: Ice, Fire, and Ground makes another triangle. So does Electric/Water/Ground, as well as Poison/Grass/Ground, and Fighting/Rock/Flying. I just hope we get a complete trisngle this time around.Whilst you are correct that Fairy is SE on Fighting, in this case of a hypothetical Fire/Fighting Incineroar, it wouldn't actually be weak against Fairy since due to Fire resisting it (similarly to Incineroar's actual Fire/Dark typing)
In all honesty I kinda think that starter secondary type trios aren't always gonna have type matchups that seem fair or balanced - look at Gen 4, with Empoleon being weak to both of the other two's secondary STAB and only hitting one super effectively, whilst Torterra and Infernape can hit the other two with SE moves.
Even gen 3 - Swampert gaining a Ground type, effectively doubling its weakness to Sceptile's Grass type.
It would be nice to see a fully realised secondary type triangle but at this point is it actually a possibility? I know that the amount of triangles which work in the Grass/Fire/Water way isn't a big list already but surely there can't be one which would actually fit perfectly in there... is there? (i really do not know correct me if i'm wrong)