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Deck #2: Dark (Skeleton of a Zoroark Deck)

Adam Ryder

Aspiring Trainer

  • 4 Zorua
    4 Zoroark (have 2 atm)
    2 Yveltal
    3 Yveltal EX
    2 Darkrai EX (have 1 atm)

  • 2 Shadow Circle

  • 12 Dark

This is what I have right now. What can I add to make it stealthy and all ninja-like?
As far as trainers go, I'll just list off the staples.

+4 Professor Sycamore
+3 N
+3 Skyla
+3 Colress
+1 to 2 Lysandre
+4 Ultra Ball
+1 Professor's Letter
+1 Shadow Circle (Win the stadium war!)
+1 Tool Scrapper or Surprise Megaphone
+4 Dark Patch (useful for any Dark type deck)

As far as Pokemon go, the lines look good, but I'd run 1 Absol PLF
+1 Absol

Total cards (if I counted right), 55, so room for some other things.

Another route is to play Hypnotoxic Laser with Virbank City Gym rather than Shadow Circle. That way, you could play 3 Stadiums and 4 Hypnolasers, meaning you'd only have one spot left. That spot would be used for your ACE SPEC card. Computer Search or Dowsing Machine are always powerful in any deck, but with this deck, I'd play Computer Search. You can buy it online for about $13.

Hope this helps,
LoneWolf2113 offered some great suggestions. My list would be very similar, but I (my personal style) would only suggest:
+2 Skyla
+3 Ultra Ball
+3 Dark Patch

The last 2 Items can be Junk Hunt'd by Dark decks favorite Pokémon: Sableye (very important to include) and I suggest you run 2 of these Poké too.

I also run 2 Bicycle in all my Dark decks too. These can be searched with Skyla, as well as recovered from the discard pile via Junk Hunt too.

By the way, which Zoroark(s) are you planning to run? Foul Play, Brutal Bash and/or Night Claw? You may want to include some DCEs too.
Thaks for the help guys! I'll take both suggestions and play around to see what works for me :)

And @Tux: I'll be playing the LTR Zorua/Zoroark. I'll inclde some DCEs too :)
Adam Ryder said:
Thaks for the help guys! I'll take both suggestions and play around to see what works for me :)

And @Tux: I'll be playing the LTR Zorua/Zoroark. I'll inclde some DCEs too :)

Ty. Fyi: a Poké pal of mine recently won a League Challenge with that Brutal Bashing Zoroark. I would also suggest you include 1 Foul Play Zoroark; it's just menacing...