I like this deck for the new metagame as a bunch of new SPs are coming out. The best thing is that it is deck that can run Claydol and Uxie X and be successful. Also I just built this deck and I really don't seem to get that many bad starts w/ it. I usually get Machamp and Gengar out by T2. I don't run Uxie X but I know you could. I think it can win some BR's but not the most.
Also I think the hardest Matchup is Mother Gengar, Followed by Flygon. Lastly IMO Metal Gengar is easy to beat w/ this deck. Just get Champ X and then capitilize on low HP w/ Hurrican Punch.
Also I think the hardest Matchup is Mother Gengar, Followed by Flygon. Lastly IMO Metal Gengar is easy to beat w/ this deck. Just get Champ X and then capitilize on low HP w/ Hurrican Punch.