Yes, I know, this is late. My apologies are out for that. Anyway...I guess that's it for an intro. The next Deck Discussion will be posted on Monday, July 13.
You can also send me a PM to tell me which deck you would like to discuss next. The deck that gets the most requests will be the one I choose for the next one.
Today's thread will be about Flygon (Rising Rivals) and its Level X. A usual Flygon deck is a nice mix between high damage output and disruption. Starting off, Flygon features a Body that can give your Pokemon free retreat, if you have their type of energy attached to Flygon. (For a few examples, If Flygon has Grass Energy attached, all your Grass Pokemon have free retreat.) This allows Flygon to abuse Palkia LV. X (Great Encounters) for a Gust of Wind (Base Set) effect. Flygon also has an attack that gets rid on Stadiums, and gets an immunity if you got rid of Stadium. To top of the regular Flygon, he has a second attack that starts at 60 damage, but it gets +10 for each evolved Pokemon on your Bench. This is why Palkia LV. X usage has gone down. Flygon has also has a Level X. Flygon LV. X's Body automatically discards the top card of your opponent's deck in between turns. This gives Flygon some nice stall properties. The third and final attack Flygon and its Level X have is X-treme attack, which any Level X for 150 damage. Flygon, however, is a slow card by today's standards, as it does need 3 energy for its power-house attacks. Some varieties run Weavile (Secret Wonders) to get a Flygon charged early on, and it can also act as a PlusPower with Special Darkness energy (Rising Rivals) attached. Another common tech the deck uses is Dusknoir, (Diamond and Pearl) which allows for you to restrict your opponent to a Bench size of 3. This is very disruptive.
In this and any deck discussion thread, the idea is to discuss the deck's possible techs, how it fares in the metagame, what Tier it is in, its counters, a good decklist for the deck, or just discussing the deck in general.
For the more recent previous deck discussions, please click on the links below. Some of the very old ones will not be listed because the last post is dated more than 2 weeks ago. To get to these threads, you may have to click one of the links, and then click a link inside that thread.
DD5: Mother Genagr:
DD4: Machamp:
DD3: Luxape:
DD2: Dialga G/Legos:
Now...discuss! (And do mention Flygon LV. X.)
You can also send me a PM to tell me which deck you would like to discuss next. The deck that gets the most requests will be the one I choose for the next one.
Today's thread will be about Flygon (Rising Rivals) and its Level X. A usual Flygon deck is a nice mix between high damage output and disruption. Starting off, Flygon features a Body that can give your Pokemon free retreat, if you have their type of energy attached to Flygon. (For a few examples, If Flygon has Grass Energy attached, all your Grass Pokemon have free retreat.) This allows Flygon to abuse Palkia LV. X (Great Encounters) for a Gust of Wind (Base Set) effect. Flygon also has an attack that gets rid on Stadiums, and gets an immunity if you got rid of Stadium. To top of the regular Flygon, he has a second attack that starts at 60 damage, but it gets +10 for each evolved Pokemon on your Bench. This is why Palkia LV. X usage has gone down. Flygon has also has a Level X. Flygon LV. X's Body automatically discards the top card of your opponent's deck in between turns. This gives Flygon some nice stall properties. The third and final attack Flygon and its Level X have is X-treme attack, which any Level X for 150 damage. Flygon, however, is a slow card by today's standards, as it does need 3 energy for its power-house attacks. Some varieties run Weavile (Secret Wonders) to get a Flygon charged early on, and it can also act as a PlusPower with Special Darkness energy (Rising Rivals) attached. Another common tech the deck uses is Dusknoir, (Diamond and Pearl) which allows for you to restrict your opponent to a Bench size of 3. This is very disruptive.
In this and any deck discussion thread, the idea is to discuss the deck's possible techs, how it fares in the metagame, what Tier it is in, its counters, a good decklist for the deck, or just discussing the deck in general.
For the more recent previous deck discussions, please click on the links below. Some of the very old ones will not be listed because the last post is dated more than 2 weeks ago. To get to these threads, you may have to click one of the links, and then click a link inside that thread.
DD5: Mother Genagr:
DD4: Machamp:
DD3: Luxape:
DD2: Dialga G/Legos:
Now...discuss! (And do mention Flygon LV. X.)