Deck Discussion

RE: New Best Deck in the Format?

Zangoose said:
This thread makes me lol. Every deck with a semi-viable strategy will be tier 1, according your good at deck building. If your not the greatest at deck building, it becomes increasingly hard to go far at Nats/Worlds. You also need to be able to outplay your opponent consistently enough so you can beat your not so great matchups, like BlastiGatr vs Zekrom/Yanmega. Matchup seems un-winnable right? Blastoise snipes the Yanmega and whenever they ko anything bring up Gatr and ko the Zekrom back with Hydro Crunch. This also enforces your deckbuilding skills because you need to be able to get it off consistently enough, while also beating your worst matchups by having more resources(in this case energy to be able to snipe and then hydro crunch).

This format is kind of rock paper scissor, but with all this room in the decks you can tech things out, and keep most consistancy, to cover your matchups.
Sir, I believe you have just won the thread.
RE: New Best Deck in the Format?

catutie said:
anything that needs to evolve is going to lose to things like zekromdonk or reshiram because they can hit T1 when the opponent only has 60 HP basics and they hit for 120...

don't be so ignorant. and the fact that we haven't even seen tournament play yet.

stage 2's will not ALWAYS LOSE. against zekrom and reshiram.

im not saying it will always win. zekrom has tohave alot to do 120 first turn. it has to have 3 energy in hand at least, collector/zekrom/pachi/shaymin, that is alot ot ride on. if you are missing any 1 of those cards you dont get the win. but against a 60 HP basic and the plan works...its over
RE: New Best Deck in the Format?

^eh. The only Special Energy are DCE, Rescue, and the {M} and {D}. Warp is out, and SP (if it was ever used). ZPS wins so easily here, because it can move it's DCE's with Shaymin.

^-_- there will be so many decks using DCE it wont be even funny. zoroark for instance. ANYTHING with a 2 colorless and somthing else attack. DCE is the lol
So I'm new to the game after not playing since the EX series, and even then it was more casual with friends, so I never fully got into deck building. I decided to join a local league in town, and I am starting my new collection with BW.

My question is: Can I build a decent deck using primarily BW cards, or do I absolutely need to hunt down packs of HS cards to make a decent deck? Any help would be great.
^its possible but it might be a little hard. what i seggest is if you are getting alot of BW cards then just start trading for cards like PONT and Collector.
I really don't see lostgar being tier 1, or even tier 2. What's going to be its attacker? Cuz in top cut, it will still need to take prizes. It might start lost zoning pokemon t2, but with bebe's gone, people will use more communication and instantly play down what they got.
you may get 4 pokemon via seeker, but that's about it.
^spiritomb, judge, misdreavus, umm....well the point is that all of those make your opponent draw a new cards during there turn which is like candy to lostgar
ok, so misdreavus makes both people draw, but then that's the end of the lostgar player's turn. just use whatever pokemon you have in hand and place them onto the field. spiritomb is the only real advantage with you having looked at your opponent's hand the turn before with hurl into darkness. maybe a mr mime tech.. but either way, you won't get setup fast enough before they start killing your pokemon. a lonely donphan can kill a lostgar deck. potion, moomoo milk, life herb. donphan will never die against lostgar. personally, that's how I would play against a lostgar build. dump my pokemon with junk arm to get back some potions or pluspowers. and just 90 damage all game long.

it's really easy to beat a lostgar deck now.
catutie said:
^its possible but it might be a little hard. what i seggest is if you are getting alot of BW cards then just start trading for cards like PONT and Collector.

Im sorry for my ignorance, but what is a PONT? (and is there anywhere that has a listing of terms for this game? I get lost sometimes reading these threads not knowing the lingo :) )
Professor Oak's New Theory.
here are some of the more common abbreviations:
PETM = Professor Elm's Training Method
TRT = Team Rocket's Trickery
IQ = Interviewer's Questions
RC = Rare Candy. although I usually see it just as Candy instead.
DCE = Double Colorless Energy

that's really about it.. other things just drop a word. like Juniper, communication, collector..
Erock2283 said:
My question is: Can I build a decent deck using primarily BW cards, or do I absolutely need to hunt down packs of HS cards to make a decent deck? Any help would be great.

There are some decent/good decks that use a lot of BW pokémon and trainers, so having a good base of BW cards isn't a bad way to start off. You can also always buy or trade for individual cards from HGSS+ to complete a deck or make some tweaks, which would be a bit more effective than buying blind packs (though not nearly as fun).
carlitosbob said:
ok, so misdreavus makes both people draw, but then that's the end of the lostgar player's turn. just use whatever pokemon you have in hand and place them onto the field. spiritomb is the only real advantage with you having looked at your opponent's hand the turn before with hurl into darkness. maybe a mr mime tech.. but either way, you won't get setup fast enough before they start killing your pokemon. a lonely donphan can kill a lostgar deck. potion, moomoo milk, life herb. donphan will never die against lostgar. personally, that's how I would play against a lostgar build. dump my pokemon with junk arm to get back some potions or pluspowers. and just 90 damage all game long.

it's really easy to beat a lostgar deck now.

very true but misdreavus would be used as set up and as a trap. use it 2-3 times and your opponents hand is about 12 and there is no turning back. and if you make it gengar swarm...donphan wont matter, at all. you may kill 3 gengar but by the time you do you have 6 poke in the LZ and you lose :p
I was thinking a leafeon (CoL) mixed with roserade (unleashed) torkoal (unleashed) and hypno (HgSs) would work really well. It would be a bit of set up but when your doing like 2 or 3 statuses a turn leafeon could sweep pretty well. Any suggestions or anything?
you dont need that much set up. just do rainbow energy on roserade for poison and confusion then a hypno on the bench for a chance of sleep. there is 150
forget hypno and torkal. use Houndoom prime. if you're flipping (hypno) at least have it be a status that they can't get rid of on a flip. (assuming you can't get the OHKO) that and houndoom prime has a better attack and HP, and retreat. IMO houndoom prime outclasses hypno in every way other than using musharna.
what happens if you don't have energy in hand, or when catcher is released? it still does the added effect for Leafeon, but can also attack if need be. you can't just allow for your tech to be the active pokemon and let it get KO'd. you need to make all pokemon in a deck at least able to attack now. just like in the base set days. the only "non attackers" were walls like Chansey.