• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

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Deck name: "Iron Shell o_O" Tournament: Battle Road Spring

@Kittymew and everyone else who suggested Shuckle
Look at it this way:
Drop energy on FORRETRESS=Do DAMAGE like the aim is,
Seeker/Scoop Up/Unown Return energy from FORRETRESS
play them back onto FORETRESS and do DAMAGE like the aim is,
Repeat till you've won.

Correct, sillykyle?
corabed said:
@Kittymew and everyone else who suggested Shuckle
Look at it this way:
Drop energy on FORRETRESS=Do DAMAGE like the aim is,
Seeker/Scoop Up/Unown Return energy from FORRETRESS
play them back onto FORETRESS and do DAMAGE like the aim is,
Repeat till you've won.

Correct, sillykyle?

CORRECT. At least someone on this forum is sensible...

Dear Sillykyle! Thank you for knowing how to play Pokemon. Just curious, have you been able to donk with this? I think it is very possible. See if this helps

-3 Bebe's Search
-1 Fire Energy
+4 Unown R

Quick draw.
This is not a T1 deck. Ever. It sets up by T3 and every once in a while T2. Bebe's is needed for consistancy.


You're not gonna make faster if you don't listen to sound advice. And if can get the whole thing to win T1, why the hell not? Why would you REFUSE a faster start?

You're not the first to make this deck. Several people have playtested it, INCLUDING me. And you know what? EVERYONE agrees that shuckle speeds up your deck like crazy.

Have you even tried shuckle? All the problems you think exists, doesn't, not if you set up by T2. And shuckle helps you achieve that. Shuckle doesn't force a T1 setup, whoever told you that?

Your main problem is judge, which sends all your accumulated energy back to the deck. That's where shuckle shines; judge users don't run snipers, snipers dont run judge. Loading energy on shuckle protects you against judge, and against snipers, well, you should already know what to do.

Seriously, besides running a donk engine or ninetales, there's no other way of making it faster.