

Aspiring Trainer
Hey. I just joined here (as you can probably see), and I'm really curious about getting back into Pokemon. I started playing when it was the huge craze, with the base sets. I never really got into it competitively, but, I always loved playing it. Now, my friend has been getting back into it, and I think I really want to get back into it to, but this time competitively.

So, I was looking around this site, and I can obviously see which decks are on top right now. The one thing I can NOT see on this site, however, is decklists of these decks.

So my question is, is there any site that has decklists of all these winning decks or; is there somewhere on here with decklists and I just didn't see it?

Thanks for all the help.
Fix my deck has a lot of deck list, here on pokebeach. If you mean like winning deck lists of tournament, I don't know where you should look. Also if you scroll down on the first page of the site there was an article lately about dominate deck and there typical lists. Hope I helped
It'll be hard to find the winning lists of some of the bigger events that we just had. And most of the lists arn't winning and do need alot of help. (thats why they are there right?)

I guess you can check some of the reports from the past tourneys. Sometimes they have lists but those are kinda hard to come by.

If you really want help feel free to hit me up on AIM ([email protected]) or over PM and I could help you.
Well, yeah, I was looking for specific places to go for the winning decklists, not just like, "Homebrew deck #64957547."
Here are some top decks from S/P/Ts:

IMO, Cursegar is outdated, and the Luxchomp should have more DCEs and (debateably) more Power Sprays; however, these are all winning decklists for the current format. The next set will maybe have SOME influence; however, we'll know more after Battle Roads.
If you google the worlds deck from last year I'm sure you can find the list, or just go to some where where they sell them and the lists are on the back