decks made for cheap?


3nd coming
dear Pokébeach,

I'm still running some sucky special conditions wall dustox rogue and BR's is coming up! I have deck staples, but no playable pokémon. how do I shot web?

cheap deck ideas thanks! (NOT SHUPPET, I'm soooooo bad at shuppet)

the most valuable/playable pokémon I own is prolly an uxie X...
Turtwig GL is a deck you might want to try. It's cheap but also a good attacker. Attach a {G} and a Double Colorless Energy, and you're hitting and healing for 50 or, more likely, 80 a turn.
Yeah with Turtwig, if you play it right, your most expensive card should be Shaymin X (Landmin). Then you get some Cherrims and any other grass support and you have a good deck. I got first in Cities with it, so don't dismiss it as a bad deck.
I'd just look through all of your cards and try and come up with something that has good synergy and can do some significant damage, who knows you mind come up with something great... good luck...:D
oh yeah! I nearly forgot about turtwig!

aw man, I just traded my landmin away.

I'll think about it though, I'd need to obtain more SP staples.

any other Ideas?

The Hybrid said:
I'd just look through all of your cards and try and come up with something that has good synergy and can do some significant damage, who knows you mind come up with something great... good luck...:D

thats where dustox came from -_-

Happiny13 said:
Gyarados is relatively cheap and it is top tier right now.

huh. I wonder if I can figure out a way to get those cards.
Ok here is my idea Regigigas LA donk, the one with slow start, level max a benched Dialga G into the Level X getting rid of slow start, then rare candy a totodile into a Feraligatr Prime, rain dance 2 energies to a water SP Palkia G will do, then Flint's Willpower a fighting energy to it attach a Steel to Regigigas then attach an energy link to Regigigas and the water SP move all the energy expert belt and hit for 120. Asides from that Turtwig or maybe Beedrill? I have your Landmin...
Oh yeah I forgot about Speedrill (Beedrill), the less powerful version (without Lux X) shouldn't be to hard to acquire and put together...
Here's a list to build off of or compare to:
I'd just go with Gyarados easy to make, fun, and not to expensive. Gyarados does not require any lv. X cards ethier, just a Blissey Prime.
Pokeman said:
I'd just go with Gyarados easy to make, fun, and not to expensive. Gyarados does not require any lv. X cards ethier, just a Blissey Prime.
It may not require any Lv. X's but it won't be good without Lux X.
okay NVM you guys I traded a bunch and am building a sablock

I wouldn't really advise that unless you're very confident. Sablock is very hard to play right.
A dustox rogue? in any sort of dustox like deck, I believe Beautifly (platinum) should be the main attack over Dustox. Idk what your deck looks like, but I may be able to drop some pretty helpfull hints on it.
I'm surprised no one has mentioned Scizor/Cherrim. It's cheap, easy to play, and is actually a decent deck in general.
dear Pokébeach,

I'm still running some sucky special conditions wall dustox rogue and BR's is coming up! I have deck staples, but no playable pokémon. how do I shot web?

cheap deck ideas thanks! (NOT SHUPPET, I'm soooooo bad at shuppet)

the most valuable/playable pokémon I own is prolly an uxie X...

Hmmm. With DCE and E-belt, Uxie can be a beast, and with moonlight and another you can a good donk.