...and Grass ruins it. Even with Hard Charm/Focus Sash, Primal Groudon has gone down the drain. That's the thing. Even if you have super casual players (which does NOT mean Shayminless decks, they will most likely run Night March or Vespiquen, both of which ruin this deck. And this is coming from a guy who's favourite deck this year was Primal Groudon/Wobbuffet... until I kept running into NM, Manectric and Grass decks.
Um... it's a slow Stage 2 deck which means Shaymin is necessary. Octillery, Delphox, whatever draw Pokemon aren't substitutes for Shaymin because they serve different purposes. Shaymin is like Tropical Beach; you draw cards on your first or second turn and still use a Supporter. Other draw is to ensure you have a steady supply of cards coming into your hand after you've literally Set Up. Also, with a deck like Raikou/Magnezone, you have to have a secondary draw Pokemon because you have to refill your hand to use Fisherman. Drawing till you have 5 is so useful since you can't play 2 Supporters in a turn and you just might draw into a way to use Fisherman if you use Abyssal Hand.
Sorry, I've said this over and over again but I have to say it. Nothing can substitute Shay, nothing. Mark. My. Words. Octillery is useless early game because by the time you get it running, your opponent would have already donked you. If you want to use Oct T1, you need 3 cards:
Remoraid, Octillery and Wally. What would the chances of getting those 3 on your opening hand be? Not to mention you can't use a Supporter after that. And 5 is so weak early game.
Being unable to afford some Shay is understandable but acting like you can get by with another card isn't owning up to reality. Vespiquen and NM also need 2-3 copies of Shaymin. Without it, they suck. Mark. My. Words.