RE: Dedenne's XY Thread - New Service! I'll catch Shiny Pokémon for you!
Are you willing to do 2 Common? For it ^^
Are you willing to do 2 Common? For it ^^
No, I would only chain one shiny Pokémon for your one shiny Pokémon.ShinyVincent said:Are you willing to do 2 Common? For it ^^
I haven't updated my thread for a while, so it's now a Gogoat. But no, it is not a 5 IV Pokémon.Shining Goodra said:Is shiny Skiddo 5IV?
Sorry, like I've previously stated, none of your clones interest me.Reggie McGigas said:CML for shiny skiddo
ShinyVincent said:AhI was looking to chain me a Scattebug..But, can you atleast give me some tips?
Galaxy Hunter said:Anything of mine interest you for the shiny Ninetales? In addition to the the stuff listed on my thread, I also have two new shinies I'd be willing to trade: an impish shiny Roggenrola (which I could evolve into a boldore so it'd evolve if we trade) and a relaxed gulpin. Both are native to Kalos.
ShinyVincent said:Thx for the tipsBut, now you don`t do chaining for us anymore..But, do you want the Shiny Lopunny? I like your Shiny Malamar. If that`s responsible?
What?ShinyVincent said:If that`s responsible?
xDkoYx said:Oh man! Now it's time for me to have a look at your SHINIES! I'm really interested in shiny Cloyster and Bisharp. Do they have any ivs? If not then poop.![]()
Shining Goodra said:Are any of your shiny pokemon 5IV? And how do I get the sprites onto my page?
Prince Dedenne said:Shining Goodra said:Are any of your shiny pokemon 5IV? And how do I get the sprites onto my page?
The only 5IV shiny Pokémon listed on my trade thread is the Ninetales.
It hatched with 31/31/31/31/31/xx and Flash Fire.
Although it's nature is perfect, Timid, it isn't competitive.
I'll pm you how to get XY sprite gifs.![]()
ShinyVincent said:Hi! I saw your looking for a Shiny event Genesect! I have one! Can you trade (If you still have it) Shiny Malamar for it?
Prince Dedenne said:ShinyVincent said:Hi! I saw your looking for a Shiny event Genesect! I have one! Can you trade (If you still have it) Shiny Malamar for it?
Is it from the real event? Or is it hacked?
ShinyVincent said:Prince Dedenne said:Is it from the real event? Or is it hacked?
It`s OT is from some Japanese guy/woman, but, It`s caught in a Cherish Ball. So..I don`t know.