RE: Dedenne's X/Y Thread - Update with 42 New Shiny Pokémon!
Perhaps smeargle , and a 5iv aegislash, what would you want for those two?
Perhaps smeargle , and a 5iv aegislash, what would you want for those two?
Goldfire036 said:Perhaps smeargle , and a 5iv aegislash, what would you want for those two?
MT. Equin0x said:Info on the kalos born Shiny Venusaur
Prince Dedenne said:Sorry Bobmcdoogal, but I don't have what you requested on my thread and I already have a competitive Weavile.
I can breed Modest Goomys (SpA+ / Atk-), but I can't seem to find the Gooey female that I used to breed Goomys. So I'll have to get another. :/Bobmcdoogal said:Oh ok, I'm interested in a Gooey Goomy wth 4-5 perfect IVs. What is it's nature?
I'm offering an 4-5IV Adamant Heracross with Swarm or Guts with EM Rock Blast
Goldfire036 said:Whirlipede is calm with poison point
Darumaka is calm with hustle which will of course turn to sheer force
Gastlly and Haunter are both now gengars, I believe one is jolly and the second is timid
Goldfire036 said:I have some, but they're shiny for the most part. I might have charmanders that aren't and a few others.
Can I get details on your cloister? Like iv's nature ability and does it have egg moves?
Also does your talon flame have gale wings? And what iv's
If those two pokemon are good, do you see anything you would trade from my list?
Goldfire036 said:Okay So cloyster doesn't have any egg moves then?
Bobmcdoogal said:Yeah CML
Prince Dedenne said:Bobmcdoogal said:Yeah CML
Can I ask for a female 5IV Impish Harvest Phantump (31/31/31/x/31/31), in return for a Sassy or Quirky 5IV Gooey Goomy?
Sevalbar said:What do you want for your not red vivillon? (I don't remember the name of the patern)
Prince Dedenne said:Sevalbar said:What do you want for your not red vivillon? (I don't remember the name of the patern)
Are you talking about the Ocean pattern?
I see that you don't have a trade thread, so just make some offers.![]()
Do you have any other Pokémon besides Vivillon for trade, as I'm not in need of any common Vivillon.Sevalbar said:Well, I only have a vivillon collection (patterns only, no IV/EV/Egg Moves) so I can only trade that vivillon for other vivillons. Rigth now, I can trade you:
- Polar
- Marine
- Elegant
- River
- High Plains
Goldfire036 said:I'm interested in trading for your shiny ferrothorn, what iv's and nature does it have? Still trying to find a shiny that is also competitive from your list lol![]()
Goldfire036 said:And your gliscor, same question as usual lol.