Defence against Lostgar?

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Aspiring Trainer
How is people going to defend themself against the Lostgar deck? If the Lostgar deck is well made it'll throw Pokemons into the Lost Zone quite fast and they will only need to put 6 into the Lost Zone.
Dialga G. No stadium = no win condition. Along with many other disruptive strategies eg. Sablock, Luxchomp, Vilegar etc.
You can tech a Fossil card so when they play hunter you take back the Fossil, which while in your hand counts as a trainer and they can't send it to the Lost zone.
Interesting. Make it a Kabuto/Omanyte line: you can search for evolutions or draw cards!
Thanks for the idea miniman. Now i have a another reason to put in 1-1 aerodactyl MD. It hurts your opponents pokemon that uses poke powers and can now (when released) be used as a minor tech vs lostgar.

Steelix prime doesnt work against lostgar, they just keep the Stadium in their hand until they have Lost Zoned 6 Pokemon, and then play it down to claim the win before you can discard it
Nice suggestions :D
But with Dialga G you would have to use Deafen like every turn to protect against the Lost World. It would just draw out the game.
Drawing out the game could technically work seeing as how Lostgar doesn't take prizes... though if you are going to sit there and deafen lock me for 10 turns I will have killed/level-downed you by that time.
Well, Cursed Droplets + Crobat Drop can handle fossils easily, with a quick KO. Although it won't count as a Pokemon in the lost zone, it will at least contribute toward prizes, which Gengar could achieve, but the deck isn't made for that. In any case, it could work if Gengar is in lock.

However, fossils do counter Hunter very well.

Maybe a Dark-typed pokemon can handle Gengar, like a T-tar tech or something?
T-Tar is too slow to handle Gengar, even if belted Power Claw OHKOs. You'd have to rely on something fast and something that locks it down as well...Dialga G/Absol G anyone?
Meh. DialgaChomp wouldn't Deafen lock the whole game against LostGar. Obviously, the LostGar player is just going to hold the stadium until they're in a position to win. So Deafen serves no purpose against LostGar until late-game. Dialga would focus on KO's against Gengar/Mew in the mean time, which eventually wouldn't be too hard. Deafen Lock when in danger of a Lost Zone win.

BTW - Deafen is not a DGX move. Level-Down won't break the Deafen lock.
just dont have pokemon in your hands?
if you know ur up against gengar, then put down all your basics and evolve only when nessesary. hand refreshers are important.
hunter only works 4 times, so if u can last that long, most likely you'd already taken out 6 pokemon as gengar prime does absolutely no damage
1-1 absol g in any almost any sp deck or other deck that uses a mini sp engine. IT will kill gengar prime and you get to discard 1 card and that could be a pokemon they could have send't to the lost zone the next turn. So it's 2 ways of countering gengar prime in 1 pokemon. Awesome...
Ogeray - You can use hunter up to 8 times
Aburame Yuki - I assume you mean Absol G and not Absol Prime, although Absol Prime *could* work as well. (granted absol prime doesn't have a 1-1 line =P).

I think there are tons of ways to beat a Lostgar deck, however those ways will only work if you do the correct things in the correct order.
banuffin said:
Meh. DialgaChomp wouldn't Deafen lock the whole game against LostGar. Obviously, the LostGar player is just going to hold the stadium until they're in a position to win. So Deafen serves no purpose against LostGar until late-game. Dialga would focus on KO's against Gengar/Mew in the mean time, which eventually wouldn't be too hard. Deafen Lock when in danger of a Lost Zone win.

While you are true in the fact they won't win from Lost Zone until well into the game, they'll play the Stadium before you Deafen lock endgame. You'd also need to run multiple Stadiums for additional counters and space is tight in Dialga and Lux.

dmaster out.
Lux actually has a lot of room. At least in mine. But yeah dialga is super tight.
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