Defend Your Castle

d master342 said:
Are you on WiiWare B-Ray? If so, just blow up the exploding guys and use the huge exploding spells. That goes for both versions actually...

dmaster out.

How do you change spells??? I've been using the exploders :] Im on Wii Ware too....but I have like 2 people :/

-Black Rayquaza
Why 2 people? 0_0 I have like 100 on each... You click on the directions on the remote. :eek:

dmaster out.
Can't be that bad otherwise it wouldn't be on the Wii. Probably just you. ANd a few other people who are bound to share that opinion.

That game's pretty interesting. Pretty good game of memory. Plus it's from NotDoppler, so it's bound to be pretty weird.
Silver said:
Wow, this game is stupid -_- but it's not NEARLY as stupid as THIS one. :/
This post is bad. Spam...

But anyway, for the game you linked...
That isn't spam. That's stating my opinion on the game. >.<

And I just found out you can kill people by dropping them from up high :[ I can't believe I didn't find that out sooner ;/
Woah, you are thick aren't you Silver? :p Give the game a try; you'll like it if you go into it with patience.

dmaster out.
Personally, the Mages are great. COnsidering everyone comes around in swarms, using Explosion when you have a large handful of mages just lets you win the game, pretty much.
Archers are the best early on in the flash game, while getting a lot of Mages ensures that you won't have swarms and you'll be able to convert easier. In the WiiWare game, I find it easier getting Craftsmen and then Mages.

dmaster out.
Needs moar cheats. Nah, I played it for a minute or two and it definitely seems interesting. It'll probably be something I fall in love with for 4-5 days and then get tired of it.
Do the splattery trick GODZILLA. :D Also, if you have WiiWare, you can press Start, and get through levels easy. Once you have 100 mages, you don't even need the temple, and you can cast constant explosions. :p

dmaster out.
Yeah, you can download it for 500 points, or $5. :p

dmaster out.