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DelBoar (Delphox / Emboar)

RE: DelBoar

Garbodor is the main reason why there are 2 Tool Scrapper. A Sniper can easily be countered and most of them don't do enough damage, one exception being Raikou-EX, which would be stupid to add here... XDD
RE: DelBoar

And what is your strategy against blastoise keldeo? Because all of these pokemon are very weak against water?
RE: DelBoar

Blastoise almost always attacks with BKEX, but if a Keldeo comes in, a Delphox with 6 Energy KO's it, so I can handle them as long as I have the Retrievals, because the Prize trade is very favorable on my side, since the only EX Pokemon I play there is Keldeo, and Blastoise is the only non-EX in that deck. The Weakness is not that much of a problem when they can OH-KO anyways.
RE: DelBoar

Awesome deck! I'm excited for Delphox to come out.

My question is: What is your reasoning for not just playing RayBoar with a slim Delphox lineup? Want a better EX trade, or just a total different play style?
RE: DelBoar

HT F8 said:
Awesome deck! I'm excited for Delphox to come out.

My question is: What is your reasoning for not just playing RayBoar with a slim Delphox lineup? Want a better EX trade, or just a total different play style?

Both of them, actually. XD It's for the prize trade and for Delphox's great synergy with Emboar, since in Delphox you have both an attacker AND a draw engine.
RE: DelBoar

Major update on the OP, have been trying it on League and came up with this. What do you guys think?
RE: DelBoar

I love this idea for a deck! I'd go with a 4-1-4 line of Delphox, but it's really up to you. Maybe this is what comes after RayBoar...
RE: DelBoar

Just tell me what would you take out, but everything there is essential. I'd rather have the Super Rod for it to act as the 4th Delphox since I run it in all of my decks anyways. :p
RE: DelBoar

I'd take out Keldeo first of all. What's your reasoning for having it in there? You have more than enough switching cards in there. ;–;
RE: DelBoar

I'd always played for solely one reason: I HATE being statused. Lasers are really dominant in my area, so if I hit a Tails in that coin flip, it drags me back several turns of set-up. I could MAYBE take it out, anyways, but what could go in there? A 4th Retrieval, which is more than necessary? A Mew-EX?
RE: DelBoar

Back from a LOT of testing, the Keldeo-EX did was useless. :p And that 4th S.E.R. saved me a lot, so, thanks, Mage!
Anything else?
RE: DelBoar

What changes have you made/considered making given the release of the Flashfire set? I suspect you'll at least incorporate some of the new Trainers that will help Fire decks.
RE: DelBoar

Yeah, that. I do intend to put in 2 Fiery Torch, 1-2 Blacksmith and a Pal Pad, taking out maybe a couple Supporters and I believe a couple switching cards. I don't know, I'll wait until I can playtest with those and get back to you. And maybe also a Lysandre, to make sure the prize trade is good enough and target down an EX.
RE: DelBoar

The deck looks pretty good! I'm working on a similar deck but it's a lot more crowded. The only thing I would suggest is some techs. A lot of decks are teching in keldeo now that fire is becoming so good. I'm trying out Scyther (Dark explorers) which does 60 for 3 colorless energy. With a silver bangle that can OHKO keldeo EX. However, I think it works better in my deck because I use Mewtwo EX so I already run the DCEs. Also, I think you could cut down a little on the fire energy and SER since you don't really discard any energy with attacks.

Also worth considering is the new Druddigon card which can do 90 for 2 colorless. Since your toughest opponent will be blastoise which usually attacks with black kyurem, this could be a very useful tech!
RE: DelBoar

I DO discard Energy, every time a Delphox dies. e.e I prefer to run a straight list that has few flaws than a techy one than can be inconsistent most of the time. But about Druddigon, well, Dragons aren't THAT popular, but if that ever happens and I'm able to get one, I'll sure give it a shot. Thanks!