Delta Reactions

It's got be in it's attack guys!

Delta Species Pokémon
Basic Pokémon

G Poison Sting 10
The Defending Pokémon is now Poisoned.

MC Deadly Reaction 50
You can only use this attack if there are any react Energy attached to Dunsparce.

Weakness: Fighting
Resistance: None
Retreat Cost: 1
tyranitar - (delta species) 120 HP
fire and metal type
stage 2 pokemon ( evolves from pupitar )

As long as Tyranitar has any react energy attached, whenever your opponent tries to attack tyranitar, flip a coin, if heads, that attack only do half the damage (rounded up to the nearest 10)

( F C ) Pure Power
put 3 damage counter on your opponent's pokemon in any way you like. If Tyranitar has any react energy attached, choose 1 of your opponent's pokemon and put 5 damage counter on it

(FMCC ) Metal Twise 50
this attack does 30 damage to all of your opponent's benched pokemon that has any damage counter on it

Weakness ; leaf
retreat cost : 2
I want you to make a d Pokemon who uses React energy as an effect in their attack, AND the original type is Colorless, the card CANNOT be Colorless.

YES, it has to be in their ATTACK not powers or bodies! AND the original type has to be {C} last time i checked, T-tar wasnt {C}. This round will be over @ 7:00 AM tomorrow!!!
Forgot how fun CaC is.
70 HP
Type: [W][M]
Stage 1 - Evolves from Swablu

Weakness: -none-
Resistance: -none-
Retreat Cost: [C]

Poké-BODY: Aqueous Vapour
If Altaria has Holon Energy WP attached to it, all basic Energy cards attached to your Pokemon with δ on its card are both their usual Energy type and [W] but provide only 1 Energy at a time.

[W] Spreading fog
If the Defending Pokémon tries to attack during your opponent's next turn, your opponent flips a coin. If tails, that attack does nothing. If Altaria has React energy attached to it, until the end of your next turn, Altaria has no retreat cost.

[W][M][C] Heavenly dive - 50+
If the Defending Pokémon was attacked by Spreading fog during your last turn and you did not attach any Energy cards to Altaria this turn, this attack does 50 damage plus 40 more damage. If the Defending Pokémon was attacked by Spreading fog during your last turn and you did attach Energy cards to Altaria this turn, this attack does 50 damage plus 20 more damage. Ignore this effect if Altaria does not have React energy attached to it.
Wording on Heavenly dive is a bit odd; I figured it'd be best to use a Darkness/Metal energy-type wording, rather than the standard 'If x has React energy' attached to it wording; mainly because of length. And just for the record, Altaria ex has no Weakness or Resistance.
Swellow d {L}
70 HP
Poke-Body: Great Flight
If Swellow has any Energy attached to it and is on your Bench, your Active Pokemon's Retreat Cost is 0.
{L} Lightning Strike 20
{LLC} Reactive Glide 60+
This attack does 60 damage plus 20 damage for each React Energy attached to Swellow
Weakness: {L}
Resistance: {F}
Retreat Cost: 0
^Repeats of what? Pokemon? Attacks? You know, unless you copy another card word-for-word, if you made say, a Dragonite every round, it would make no difference... with different attacks/powers/etc, it might as well be called 'Salamence', because there's no difference....
RE:  Delta Reactions

Kamekaze_man said:
Ok, i forgot o say this before so i'll say it now, as of now NO REPEATS!

Come to think of it, it would have been easier if you had been more specific in your first post.


I want you to make a d Pokemon who uses React energy as an effect in their attack, AND the original type is Colorless, the card CANNOT be Colorless.

You could have put in "make a d Pokémon that was originally Colorless that uses React Energy in their attack."
Yes, well you got the message for the 1st round, AND i didnt really think anyone would repeat a Pokemon, so yea.

Round is OVER, final results WILL be posted shortly. Next round will begin @ 9:00 tomorrow!