Wi-Fi Trades Delta's Adamant Trades


Selling colourful Pokemon to Celadon Game Corner
Friend Code: 4398-9505-7064
Time Zone: GMT+ 0
Times Available: 11am - 1am

- Charmander Solar Power
- Treeko* Unburden
- Chespin* Impish Bulletproof
- Froakie* Timid Protean
- Meditite* Pure Power
- Marill* Adamant Huge Power - Water Sport, Superpower, Aqua Jet, Belly Drum
- Mawile Adamant Intimidate - Ice Fang, Poison Fang
- Beldum* Adamant
- Mewtwo Adamant 4/30/14/31/11/31
- Uxie
- Mewtwonite X
- Chosen Y Stones
- Pokerus

*- Bred with Destiny Knot Ditto: 29/31/31/--/31/31

Services Offered:
I'll also be able to slap some Pokerus on any Pokemon I trade if you want.
Always hording for shinies so the list will hopefully be updated with stuff like a Hoppip or a Psyduck, if you're interested in that, in the future. I can reserve stuff if what you want is where I'm hording and what you want is worth it.

- Manectric Mega Stone
- Bulbasaur Chlorophyll
- Mewtwo Modest
- Mewtwonite Y
- Solosis Modest
- Meditite Adamant
- Xerneas
- Shiny Electrike
- Shiny Yanma
- Shiny Bulbasaur
- Shiny Aron
Totodile with Sheer Force is unrealsed in any Generantion so if someone has it, it is hacked. Just wanted to let you know:p!
Alright, well it's Serious and I believe has IVs in HP and Speed. Do you by chance have a Slakoth I could trade it for?
Hey Delta at the end of this term I am hopefully getting a 2DS (3ds's are too expensive for me) But I am looking at getting pokemon Y and I will be willing to trade :) Just giving you a heads up!