Desert Island! Find out more about your fellow memebers

PSP, since you have music and photos and stuff on it!

Would you rather have blankets or really heavy coats (remember...tropicil deserted island:p)
Coats, they can be used as plkets and you can cut them up.

If you could have shelter or electricity, which would u have?
Electricity. Shelter is easy enough to build. Electricity on the other hand...

Would you rather have a Cell Phone or a Computor?
A computer coz then I'll be able to do some stuff...WiFi hopefully loads of stuff like sending SOS messages to be rescued and then chatting online with people et cetera...go to Search Engine to look for Survivor Guides et cetera :D Hehehehehe...

If you could have a wish...JUST ONE wish which will come true on this deserted island, what would it be?
Moltres. It cooked itself already, instant food.

Would you rather have a phone or a sword?
coconut cause u can drink it AND eat it so its multitasking:D

what powerful animal would you have to protect u? (e.g. lion, croc, python)
Definetely... uhm... hmmm... it...I... we...this...ugh...IDK...

Salad? (XD)

Would you rather have it have freak rainstorms, or freak snowstorms?
Oh my god, freak Rainstorms. Those, I already have! XD

Would you live near the beach, or nearer the center where It's considerably warmer?

(The volcano is dormant)
Near the volcano.

What Pokemon game (if you had to chose one) along with the system would you bring?