Desert Storm — Sandaconda in Salt Lake City


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Hello PokeBeach readers! Isaiah here, and I am happy to be bringing you another article! Last time, I covered the results of Brisbane Regionals, with a big focus on Natalie Millar’s winning deck list. The main reason I covered the event was largely because America had a regional of their own coming up in Salt Lake City, Utah. Now that the event has concluded, we saw many unexpected results, so how about we take a look at those.
Salt Lake City in Summary
In the simplest way possible, Salt Lake City Regionals was full of surprises, which is wonderful for the first American regional back. However, one of the smallest surprises was probably the general Day 2 metagame, which held many results that were far from unexpected. Thanks to data gathered by PokeStats and Complexity Card Gaming, we see that the Day 2 Metagame was as follows:



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