My original Fakemon contest got forgotten by me
i'm sorry guys.
To enter just post in this thread saying that you wish to enter.
To Submit your entry's PM them to me
Submissions will close on: August 25th 2019
The entry's from last time will already be entered in this contest. If one of the original contestants wishes to be removed PM me.
I ought to have the scores posted by the end of August (This month)
Alolan or Galarian form Pokemon are welcome.
You can hand draw your submission or make it on a computer with some program; it doesn't matter which.
These are the rules and such. If you think of something that should be here that i have not put, please notify me.
And the most important rule: Have Fun!
Also, a link to my former contest:
Sign ups:
1. @TeamAqua4Life #HEYNICK
2. @NinJamezor
3. No one yet
Already entered from previous contest:
1. @Lord Goomy
2.@Anime Psyclone
3. @Luplayz
4. (Has chosen to be removed)
To enter just post in this thread saying that you wish to enter.
To Submit your entry's PM them to me
Submissions will close on: August 25th 2019
The entry's from last time will already be entered in this contest. If one of the original contestants wishes to be removed PM me.
I ought to have the scores posted by the end of August (This month)
Alolan or Galarian form Pokemon are welcome.
You can hand draw your submission or make it on a computer with some program; it doesn't matter which.
These are the rules and such. If you think of something that should be here that i have not put, please notify me.
And the most important rule: Have Fun!
Also, a link to my former contest:
Sign ups:
1. @TeamAqua4Life #HEYNICK
2. @NinJamezor
3. No one yet
Already entered from previous contest:
1. @Lord Goomy
2.@Anime Psyclone
3. @Luplayz
4. (Has chosen to be removed)
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