DF's Dragons


UDG the ultimate design shop !
Okay guys this is the thread in which we sumbit the entry's and talk about how we gona do this xD

Team consists of
So each of us submit a tag, right? If so, I think that soul's idea about band tags would be nice ^_^
ok the theme is disney, how is this:

Lol like what ._. it's sans, I'm really uncreative with text especially.
Outerglow? Look at what I did to the text in my sig. Subtle effects like that can give more appeal.
But there are more effects than just that too. But it's up to you.
xxJytzxx, please don't post in this team's thread, that's the main purpose of haveing different threads...
Love the effects flygon but the text looks boring, see if you could find the disney logo instead.
I pmed you about it >.<
If you dont want to i dont mind xD

v2 flygon.

Im doing the night b4 christamas xD
Ah, so Kingdom Hearts is also Disney ? Okay, so I'mgoing to do something with them ^^