Dialga G LV.X

Lou Cypher

The melody of your defeat
Just something that gets on my nerves lately - people posting in deck garage "You need to stop Dialga G because he wrecks all your bodies". Well thank you captain obvious, ANY player would've seen that - but what are the solutions? You're not giving me any.
And quite often, there are no viable options. Why would I want to add Houndoom G in a deck that doesn't run darkness energy AND can 2HKO the thing already? Just naming something. And what if it's hiding on the bench? Do I HAVE to play 4 Pokeblowers and a Fire tech that can one-shot the thing? Even when I'm not playing any fire energy?
So people, when posting something like that, think if you can think of a VIABLE way to solve the problem, for just saying "get something anti dialga g" doesn't fly.
Mime Jr. LV.8 - Psychic - HP50
Basic Pokemon

Poke-Power: Baby Evolution
You can use this Power once during your turn. Play 1 Mr. Mime card from your hand on top of this Pokemon to Evolve it. When you do, remove all damage counters from this Pokemon.

[C] Encore: Choose 1 of the Defending Pokemon’s attacks. During your opponent’s next turn, that Pokemon can only use that attack.

Retreat Cost:
Set Number: 40

Not the body, but you can solve the trainer lock for 1-2 turns with this guy.
Burnost said:
Mime Jr. LV.8 - Psychic - HP50
Basic Pokemon

Poke-Power: Baby Evolution
You can use this Power once during your turn. Play 1 Mr. Mime card from your hand on top of this Pokemon to Evolve it. When you do, remove all damage counters from this Pokemon.

[C] Encore: Choose 1 of the Defending Pokemon’s attacks. During your opponent’s next turn, that Pokemon can only use that attack.

Retreat Cost:
Set Number: 40

Not the body, but you can solve the trainer lock for 1-2 turns with this guy.

what set is that, also is it common, uncommon or rare.
That...wasn't the point. The point is that people should stop just posting "OMG DIALGA WRECKS THIS LOLOLOL". That, and that Mime Jr. does nothing something like SF Bibarel or SW Golduck can't do.
Lou Cypher said:
That...wasn't the point. The point is that people should stop just posting "OMG DIALGA WRECKS THIS LOLOLOL". That, and that Mime Jr. does nothing something like SF Bibarel or SW Golduck can't do.

actually it's a great card against decks using pokemon with useless attacks.
for example:
you lock flygon X into using extreme attack every turn, while you play a deck without lv.X

EDIT: or even better, evolve this into mr mime MT and use memory berry, it's a great stall.
Lou Cypher said:
Just something that gets on my nerves lately - people posting in deck garage "You need to stop Dialga G because he wrecks all your bodies". Well thank you captain obvious, ANY player would've seen that - but what are the solutions? You're not giving me any.
And quite often, there are no viable options. Why would I want to add Houndoom G in a deck that doesn't run darkness energy AND can 2HKO the thing already? Just naming something. And what if it's hiding on the bench? Do I HAVE to play 4 Pokeblowers and a Fire tech that can one-shot the thing? Even when I'm not playing any fire energy?
So people, when posting something like that, think if you can think of a VIABLE way to solve the problem, for just saying "get something anti dialga g" doesn't fly.

One word: Power Spray.
jk, Yes, Dialga G is incredibly cheap. I make lots and lots of spread decks so I always consider putting in pokeblowers just as an extra (flippy) crobat g, or to bring up that dialga g to at least do a bunch of dmg to so maybe next turn i could spread it to death. Other than that, I'm not sure. Maybe houndoom G but that's not very wise to screw up a deck that runs the complete opposite. I think maybe they should just ban Dialga G lv. X, Machamp, and Gengar. That'd make people think outside the box and come up with some more unique decks. Did you know that nearly 1/4 of all t8 regionals decks this season were dialga g (almost 1/3 of which won the regionals?) 1/8 were machamp, 1/8 were gengar, and 1/16 were gechamp. This meta already has a lot of diversity, but by banning dialga g lv. x we'd kill two birds with one stone.
I have a Dialga G in my deck, it comes in very handy and it's second strike attack is awesome.
From the looks of this, there isn't really a foolproof plan. If a Houndoom G and some energies don't work, how about Dusknoir DP? Not only is it a power (forcing a Power Spray to continue locking you), it can hit the bench, or even the active with a Warp. It is also a handy tech against other decks. But again, there is no foolproof plan.
most of the attacks and/or powers that would help against it...most people won't run those pokemon due to the loss of use-ability in their decks (even as techs)

main thing you want to look for in counters to Dialga G are as follows:

the ability to move your opponent's pokemon from the bench to the active - to keep it from hiding (Luxray GL Lv. X, Vileplume (LA), etc.)

the ability to KO it within, no less than, 2 attacks - any more than that you run a greater risk of it getting turn'd or moved back to the bench, unless you're already sniping it on the bench (almost any fire pokemon with decent hitting power on attcks, Magmortar Lv. X, Blaziken (GE), Houndoom G (PT) w/dark or SP energy, Flygon Lv. X, etc.)

the ability to just send it away, while it is active or on the bench (Dusknoir (DP), Staraptor (SF), etc.)

there are foolproof ways to deal with him, but for most decks they aren't foolproof because the deck-builder can't find ways to fit those foolproof ways into their decks
i dont believe there is a way to just completely counter dialga g.
i mean dusknoir dp obviosly. luxape can bright look it up then ohko it with infernape e4 lv.x's firespin. houndoom g and nietails dont ohko it if it has spec metals.
i dont really see how dialga gs time crystal completely wrecks any deck though(besides amphytric) its something that i see as an attacker not a tech really.it hurts flygon too but not as much as flygon hurts dialga g.
Well if you make a good deck then you do not rely on your bodies. You should always have at least a couple of pokemon which can without using a body...
trevorispro said:
I don't believe there is a way to just completely counter dialga g.
I mean dusknoir dp obviosly. luxape can bright look it up then ohko it with infernape e4 lv.x's firespin. houndoom g and nietails don't ohko it if it has spec metals.
I don't really see how dialga gs time crystal completely wrecks any deck though(besides amphytric) its something that I see as an attacker not a tech really.it hurts flygon too but not as much as flygon hurts dialga g.

don't forget any grass deck using Sceptile (GE) and/or Shaymin Lv. X (ground)
LOL, you could use SP deck too. Otherwise it is Gengar/Machamp. I have the same problem and i can't build a Dialga deck myself. :( But i use decks without bodies or SP decks. Decks without bodies is like Machamp, Kingdra, Regigigas(somehow) and so on...
I didn't mean to start an entire thread about Dialga G.
Oh well.
Palkia G Lv.X, Houndoom G, Dusknoir DP, Palkia Lv.X, Poke Blower, Houndoom LA. And of course,

kashmaster said:
Well if you make a good deck then you do not rely on your bodies. You should always have at least a couple of pokemon which can without using a body...

This^. No Bodies = No Problem. Odds are you won't see it the whole match. The decks that are the best in the format don't rely on Bodies, hence them winning.

Also, lol. Everybody's talking about the card. Not the counters. ;p

dmaster out.
DGX isn't really used as a tech very often anymore. I used to play it, and it hurt me more than it hurt my opponent. Good point Lou.
You are absolutely right, I mean, each time that someone makes a thread for a deck, you have to help the list, not say "Dialga g ruins this deck", I mean it might, but the never person doesn't ask you that. Answer what you have to answer, help, but don't answer a question that was never asked.
infmach said:
You are absolutely right, I mean, each time that someone makes a thread for a deck, you have to help the list, not say "Dialga g ruins this deck", I mean it might, but the never person doesn't ask you that. Answer what you have to answer, help, but don't answer a question that was never asked.

Lou, I agree with you. I wish people would just realize NOT to put that sort of stuff and actuall contribute to the deck. One time someone even said that Dialga G shuts down Flygon lv.x. :/ ... nuf said. I wish people could just post ideas for the deck and not obvious info.
It happens in the video games as well. You try to build a team, but there is always something that hits you in the wrong spot. You can't counter everything in a game this diverse, and saying that little (or big, if it's dialga G) thing eats your team alive doesn't help- especially when there really isn't a good/easy fix to your combos without changing the whole idea, which then opens you up to a whole new world of counters.

No wonder you can't claim a BDIF. Diversity creates balance, it's just that some cards are very powerful yet fall to foes that don't exactly work with anything you want to work with.