Dialga G X needed in LuxChomp?

Is Dialga G X needed in Luxchomp?

  • Whatever the Meta is, it is neede

    Votes: 14 48.3%
  • No, it isn't.

    Votes: 15 51.7%

  • Total voters
^that guy got banned, lol.

Anyway, finally, just to summary:

Blaziken FB has
-free retreat
-a one energy attack
-a "gust of wind" attack that burns (usually used to bring out Vileplume)
-a 120 damage next turn
-110 hp
-Works against a lot of other metal tank decks
-Not a lot of cards to add

-attack s downsides, makes it really easy to kill. (actually, a dead card as you can t poke turn, then poltergeist and first attack, which I forgot the name)

Dialga G has
-Deafen lock (not sooo good VS Vilegar but no BTS so...)
-Can be a back-up tank (if you want)
-Killer Poke-Body (which destroy others) that works VS a lot of decks (Ursaring, Arceus, Charizard, VILEGAR, donphan, Scizor...)

-fat retreat
-need a lot of cards to be in a deck (If tank)
-Get pwned by Blaziken FB :)
Blaziken doesn't have free retreat^. Although, it really just depends on your meta. If Dialga/Garchomp is super popular then Blaziken FB is far superior. But if there are alot of pokebodys, then DGX is better.
idc what anybody says dialga is better than blaziken,especially in luxchomp. the only thing blaziken is good for is type advantage, other than that, it does the same thing as luxray.(ecept a little more damage and an added effect of pulling something up,but that wastes an attack IMO)
dialga with 2 warps and 2 metals is a great tech in luxchomp... tell me why it won worlds?because its good.
Oh, my bad. You know, with garchomp C and luxray GL free retreat. Anyway, you are probably going to poke turn blaziken as the downside of his attack will probably damage him a lot (a good deck will already kill it)

Like minimidget94 said, it depends on your meta. If everybody uses Arceus, Vileplume, jumpluff, then choose Dialga.

His type is THE main point of Blaziken, as it is good agains most metal tank pokemons. It plus have a Gust of wind and a good attack. Easy to set up too.
DGX is great in LuxChomp IF you have lots of VileGar in your metagame. You could also try Blaze in LuxChomp to counter VileGar and DialgaChomp.
^I don't. Running Luxchomp with Blaziken and it works like a charm, sorta.