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Dialgachomp (dialga/garchomp) (any)


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this is my list for my dialgachomp deck. you may think this list is not very good. that is probably because i do not have all of the cards, so i do not know how well this would work. please help me with this list as i have not realy played much sp!!! i have a good idea of the list from reading other articles. i am NOT getting hold of an uxie lvx!!!! please help with the strategy if you feel it is wrong!

3-1 Dialga g lvx (pl)
2-2 garchomp c lvx (sv)
2 uxie (la)
2-2 Donphan prime (hgss)
1-1 Driftblim (ud)
1 lucario gl (rr)
1 crobat g (pl)
1 azelf (la)

pokemon (19)

4 cyrus's conspiracy
4 TGI poketurn
3 TGI energy gain
4 TGI sp radar
1 TGI powerspray
2 pokemon collector
2 pokemon communication
2 energy exchanger
1 junk arm
1 contest hall
2 snowpoint temple
2 arron's collection
2 rare candy
1 twins

T/S/S (29)

4 special metal
2 warp energy
1 metal energy
1 psychic energy
1 fighting energy

energy (13)


Get dialga g turn 1/2 set up with deafen, and just deafen to death. useing garchomp for healing and snipeing pokemon like uxie that they might have on the bench. donphan is a counter to luxray and possibly get turn one donk! use driftblim and lucario to hit machamp for weekness (with crobat) to equal OKHO.

opinions gratefully apericated!!! and for someone to playtest this deck. i have quite a lot of the cards already but just lacking a few cards!!!
WTH????? DONPHAN PRIME???? Just put Promocroak, don't put Donphan Prime, it RUINS the deck consistency!
i've put in to get the possible turn 1 donks. it also has a decent survive rate against magnezone. it can one shot the BCIF. Its also not affected by machamp!!!
could someone playtest this deck?
Look, this deck isn't a donk deck, it's a tank deck. First you start with Dialga and Deafen until you have a Dialga ready to tank. If you want a Machamp counter, use Honchkrow SV. It doesn't only counter Machamp, but it counters too Gyarados, Gengar and Mewtwo. That way, you don't need Donphan Prime and if you still want a Luxray GL L.X put in Promocroak. Here are my sggestions:

Take out:
2-2 Donphan Prime (this is HORRIBLE in ANY SP deck)
2 PONT (SP needs a full hand, not hand refresh)
1 Junk Arm (not that needed)
1-1 Drifblim UD (there are better counters)
3 SP Radar (4 is overkill)
1 Contest Hall (don't help your opponent)
2 Rare Candy (you don't even have a stage 2!!!!)
1 Twins (I don't think you will be losing on prizes)
1 Fightning Energy (you won't have donphan, so you don't need it)

Put in:
2 Power Spray (to screw your opponent game)
1 Collector (consistency)
1 Bronzong G (to swap Energys)
1-1 Honchkrow SV (to counter the things I said up)
2 Dark Energy (to attack with Honchkrow)
2 Metal Energy (1 isn't enough)
1 Promocroak (to counter Luxray GL L.X)
1 Crobat G (1 isn't enough)
1 Ambipom G (to donk and counter Garchomp C L.X and low count Energy decks)
1 Dragonite FB (to mirror and counter Garchomp C L.X)
2 Expert Belt (to tank better with Dialga G L.X)

That's all, and if eventually you get an Uxie L.X get rid of a Dragonite FB or of a Ambipom G (your personal choice) and find one space for Unown Q.
Yay another Dialga list, I've played Dialga for most of the season. So trust me once you get a good list this deck is a monster.

Ok so, take out: 16
2-2 Donphan Prime, this really isn't need and hurts your consistancy
2 PONT, hand refresh can be good, but I find that Dialga doesn't need it often
1-1 Drifblim UD, I've tested with this, but Honchkrow is alot better
2 Rare Candy, why is this in here?
1 Twins, I don't think you will be losing on prizes
1 Fightning Energy, you won't have donphan, so you don't need it
1 SP Radar, You only need 3
1 Contest Hall, there's no need for this unless your running Toxitank
2 Snowpoint, same as Contest hall and with half the Format SP your doing them a favor aswell

And put in: 16
1-Toxicroak Promo, Luxray counter and can revenge kill pokes and posion Gengars for the KO and get around Fainting Spell
1 Ambipom G, Counters Garchomp C L.X can also donk. I find that Ambi works better than Drgonite but it's your choice
1 Bronzong G, SP staple and helps get your Warp energy back
1-1 Honchkrow SV, to counter Machamp/Gyarados/Gengars both SF and Lostgar
1 Smeargle, Great after a KO or Poketurn and in the Sp match a 5th cyrus's is amazing, and vs Sabelock you can uses their cyrus's initiative against them.
1 Unown Q, to give Smeargle or Uxie free retreat
2 Dark Energy, Honchkrow needs to attack
2 Power Spray, This card is amazing and should be played in sets of 3-4
1 Collector, Better consistency
2 Expert Belt (this and Special Metals is what makes Dialga tank so well )
@lucasm- whats the point in luxray gl? he is too expensive!!!!!!
@everyone else- thanks for your opinions. i threw in the donphan orignaly to give a surprise tech hat people wont be expecting to see in a sp deck. which stadium should i use to help me if i were to run toxitank? should i put in honchkrow g or weavile g to help set up? i put in the sp radar for the search ability and driftblim to destroy machamp. what should you do against donkchamp? does anyon knnow of a decent video showing the deck in action? what should i take out for some stadium cards for toxitank?

heres an updated list with peoples opinions.

3-1 dialga g (pl)
2-2 garchomp c (sv)
2 uxie (la)
1 toxicroak g (promo)
1 toxicroak g (pl)
1 stuntank g (pl)
1 luracio gl (rr)
1 bronzong g (pl)
1 drangonite fb (sv)
1 crobat g (pl)
1-1 honchkrow (sv)

Pokemon (19)

4 cyrus conspiracy
4 TGI poketurn
3 TGI sp radar
2 TGI energy gain
3 TGI powerspray
2 pokemon collector
2 pokemon communication
2 energy exchanger
2 arrons collection
2 expert belt

T/S/S (27)

4 {C}{C}
4 Special {M}
2 warp energy
2 {M}
2 {D}
1 {P}

energy (15)
Put the currently edited deck in the first post for people to critique.

dmaster out.
You don't need Toxitank. You already have Honchkrow SV. Take it out (Toxitank) and put in one more Collector and one Energy Gain and your list will be nice.
First: you are not running stadiums.
Second: you already counter Machamp with Honchkrow SV.
You don't need Toxitank when your running Honchkrow.
So drop it.
And add in:
1 TGI energy gain, 2 just isn't enough
1 Unown Q, to give Poke's like Honchkrow and Uxie Free retreat
or Add in a Azelf La for Getting Prize poke's cause if your DGX is prized VS Vilegar it pretty much Autoloss.
Also consider changing your Dialga Line to a 2-2 to help in the Vilegar and most importantly the Lostgar matchs ups.
on the point of gengar, the deck cant play its stadiums with dialga using deafen!!! i am probably going to put in a azelf and a energy gain help. i could even just send in honchkrow to knock out gengar!!! thankyou for your opinions. any others?
I think Honchkrow is the way to go, because they can easily kill your Dialga G with Gengar Prime.