Sorry about the wait everybody, life's just been to crazy for me. Y'know, school, homework, important meetings with investors, musicals, being too busy playing LeafGreen or building a team in White to bother playing Black, that kinda stuff. However, yesterday I managed to play a substantial amount of Black, so update I must!
So, while nobody was looking, Bianca got herself robbed. And because of it, I had to find exactly the right street, chase Team Plasma down, and decimate them like I always do. What a cruel life I lead. Then it was gym time! Sammy cut all the Sewaddle to shreds with Fury Cutter, Wizzywig smushed all the Venipede against the wall, and Woodstock followed along for the gym battle. Meanwhile, Toadette (the Foonguss), Smoky and Goblinda sat uselessly at the entrance, licking at the succulent wall of honey. Those walls of honey also ruined my clothes. It might not look like it, but it did.
Then Gym Battle tiem! Burgh's Whirlipede quickly fell to Woodstock's Aerial Ace, while his Dwebble was knocked out by a timely Razor Shell from Sammy. That was when Burgh sent out his ace - his Leavanny. Woodstock charged up a Brave Bird and flew into battle! Razor sharp leaves collided with the bird, but it wasn't fazed. Woodstock cut through the bug's hide and landed deftly on the ground, and as the Pidgeotto did, the Leavanny fell flat on the floor. Hive Badge and useless TM get!
On another note, After trading my Foonguss over, I realized that my entire team was Female. Usually I would get half or two thirds of my team female, but the unlikely happened this time. Oh yeah, and since the honey walls ruined my clothing, I had to buy a new outfit. So whatever you pictured Ruby wearing before, change it. And I forgot what levels my team members are at, so nothing saying what my team is so far this time.
So, while nobody was looking, Bianca got herself robbed. And because of it, I had to find exactly the right street, chase Team Plasma down, and decimate them like I always do. What a cruel life I lead. Then it was gym time! Sammy cut all the Sewaddle to shreds with Fury Cutter, Wizzywig smushed all the Venipede against the wall, and Woodstock followed along for the gym battle. Meanwhile, Toadette (the Foonguss), Smoky and Goblinda sat uselessly at the entrance, licking at the succulent wall of honey. Those walls of honey also ruined my clothes. It might not look like it, but it did.
Then Gym Battle tiem! Burgh's Whirlipede quickly fell to Woodstock's Aerial Ace, while his Dwebble was knocked out by a timely Razor Shell from Sammy. That was when Burgh sent out his ace - his Leavanny. Woodstock charged up a Brave Bird and flew into battle! Razor sharp leaves collided with the bird, but it wasn't fazed. Woodstock cut through the bug's hide and landed deftly on the ground, and as the Pidgeotto did, the Leavanny fell flat on the floor. Hive Badge and useless TM get!
On another note, After trading my Foonguss over, I realized that my entire team was Female. Usually I would get half or two thirds of my team female, but the unlikely happened this time. Oh yeah, and since the honey walls ruined my clothing, I had to buy a new outfit. So whatever you pictured Ruby wearing before, change it. And I forgot what levels my team members are at, so nothing saying what my team is so far this time.