diamond and pearl thread

Togeshroob said:
Does anyone else besides me want Max to come back?  Remember how Max was going to get his starter soon?  Remember that sappy episode with the Ralts?  Remember how Max promised he would come back for the Ralts some day?  Remember how Ash promised to battle Max when he got his starter?  What if Max goes and gets that Ralts as his starter, then goes to Sinnoh?  Then, eventually, his Ralts would evovle into a Gallade!  That would be so awesome!

That would be awesome, but max's role, to drag brock away from girls, is now replaced by croagunk. I always laugh watching croagunk drag brock away. Wouldn't it be cool if Max showed up in the sinnoh league finals, with gallade and a fully evolved johto starter. That guy with the budew probably will be at the sinnoh league finals.
I love that crougunk. I bet it will evolve when they get to the town with the 4th gym. Or if not then the episode will be about brock and crougunk
i dont think max will be there. He isnt much of a pokemon trainer. He specializes (I think) about different kind of pokemon and types and weaknesses and all. He doesnt look like a battler.
I think max+may will come back for about 2-3 episodes with a clothes change like misty in AC. But I'm very happy to see the departure of max+may, didn't anyone think that they were a bit well you know kinda goodie goodies if you know what I mean. What I mean by goodie goodies is well in BT didn't anyone think their voices sucked and thay always smiled and was perfect if you know what I mean. And dawn and zoey are actually people who talk at a normal speed.
So, you don't liek Max and May because they speak at Roadrunner like speeds, that's rude, even though they're anime characters and they don't exist
max and may speak to slow, and their just to cheesy and corny.


Misty is to return says wiki-pedia.
misty was all right. but I like brock beter. no one else cares about brock
I liked Misty.....I hope that somehow, her Togetic evolves into Togekiss someday...

Also, the twerp group is still open for one more spot! They have room for one more person!
I hope its person who uses steel types.

mabye misty will get her tocetic back and it will evolve