Dice, coins, and damage counters

TCC Co-Founder said:
Warhammer is so expensive. How can anyone afford to play it?

Because most people that play it don't buy 5 boxes of Space Marines every month. I myself rarely spend more than £20 a month on it.
The reason I see dice generally used is because they are more of a gamer's device. I have them on me for other games, whereas I don't always have little tokens or a coin or whatever.

Plus, as another poster said, they can be used for coin flips, damage counters, etc. It's all in one. ^_^
I went to the MD pre-release with coins and those cardboard damage counters you get in the starters. Damage counters weren't so bad but the Coin was annoying, kept falling off the table and such. Dice just seemed way easier, so right after that I bought one of those cases of small dice.
Pokemon USA should make dices of counters, that counts for even odds numbers. i would buy them!
I like the dice that have writen right on them "Heads" and "Tails" its a little easier when you have to play with little kids who done know how do use a dice.
I use dice, though it's because they're pretty varied. I collect strange dice; I got a few more from AdvancingHordes.com shortly before they closed down. From them, I got the Zocchihedron (the 100-sided one), and I also have dice with 3 sides, 5 sides, 30 sides, and all the Platonic solids. I've got some that glow in the dark, dice inside dice, and dice with funny pictures instead of numbers. My sister also has a non-cubic 6-sided die. I should have a die with Japanese kanji numbers and a map of Japan in place of 1, but they sold out at the last minute...

As for damage, I prefer glass beads. A lot more durable than the paper things that come with the theme decks, and I like the way they distort the image beneath as a lens. In fact, I bought a large bag of blue glass beads and a smaller bag of larger yellow glass beads to emulate what the TCG did at the beginning.
Yesterday, I saw a rounded dice. Yes, a dice that was a sphere.

How it worked, was that it had weights inside, making it stop on a number, acting like gravity with dice.
I would say i like the consept of the new coins but the origanil damage counters were better!!
I use coins to flip and little pokemon figures for damage counters.
Ophie said:
I got the Zocchihedron (the 100-sided one)

cough picture cough??? :)

also about the glass beads, have you seen the red and orange plastic ones the came out at the pokemon centre in japan???

10 damage orange and 50 damage red

there smaller than a bead and there round but the number is magnifeied really cool
I use a twenty faced dice ,which is a lot more easy than flipping a coin, and instead of damage counter I use pebbles.
Dice hands down.
They are more convenient because they take up less space.Oh and that guy who wanted a pic here
I dunno bout the dice thing, but nothing can beat my Mario Galaxy coin for all you gamblin needs.
I have been at tournaments where they say "No Coins". Weird, right? But don't get me wrong; I'm a huge fan of dice. Besides, you can flip a coin OR place damage counter with dice. It just works.
shatteranatora said:
I have been at tournaments where they say "No Coins". Weird, right? But don't get me wrong; I'm a huge fan of dice. Besides, you can flip a coin OR place damage counter with dice. It just works.

They can't do that. The official pokemon coins are always legal at tournaments. (They also have to be modified though ;))

I use a d12 for coin tosses, glass beads for damage counters.

I forbid any dice other than d6 as damage counters in my tournaments. Others are too easily rolled over by accident. d12 in the best option for using in coin tosses. Easiest to roll and gives an easily recognizable result.
Aww, that's not nice. It's always fun to use strange dice. Most of the ones I buy have been tested to be fair (the Zocchihedron is an exception though). There's no way you're going to accidentally roll over a tetrahedron or a triangular prism to reveal the wrong number. Besides, people can be trusted to remember the numbers; I've never had a case where there was confusion over which number was actually on top before.

By the way, I got my six quirky dice. a few days ago. I can't provide a picture of my Zocchihedron though, since my hard drive stopped working on Thursday one week ago and I had to get it replaced with a new one.