Difference Between Old and New Pokemon Shows.

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Celebi 1

Aspiring Trainer
I just decided to pop in one of my old pokemon VHS tapes just for laughs. Then when it was over I turned it on to regular TV and it was a new episode of pokemon. I dont really watch it anymore but I decided to comepare the two shows.
I was disgusted!
obviously you can see on my sig that I love the original pokemon but after I sat through the new show I was outraged!
I think the original is WWWWWAAAAYYYY better.

Please leave me your opinions
RE: Have you ever noticed?, Pokemon shows.

Sig not up. And I will agree the original are way better, but the new ones entertain me.
RE: Have you ever noticed?, Pokemon shows.

The first season is, and always will be the best.
The new ones are ok. Every once and a while there's a really good episode.
Maybe you should try to watch a few more of the new ones. :)
RE: Have you ever noticed?, Pokemon shows.

By far the best.

...This is my opinion. Don't kill me. D:
RE: Have you ever noticed?, Pokemon shows.

Nah I think that Kanto has been the best ever!
RE: Have you ever noticed?, Pokemon shows.

I like the Hoenn episodes the best since there is actually an extra character as the main one and also that the creators don't go crazy and add another Eeveeloution or two, even though I am kind of an Eeveeloution fan myself.

RE: Have you ever noticed?, Pokemon shows.

Personaly I liked the orange islands and early Johto the best but the original Kanto is definately better than the newest ones.
RE: Have you ever noticed?, Pokemon shows.

I've said this several times before, but all the people who loved the original series need to get their heads out of the sand. It's old and Pokemon HAS gotten better, whether you guys want to say it or not. Sinnoh, since it's the newest, has more episodes that fit something other than these random fillers that have plagued the other series. (And, I know, Sinnoh will suffer the same fate. It might, but they won't give Sinnoh as many fillers, though.)
RE: Have you ever noticed?, Pokemon shows.

I have not notice any difference between old and new.
RE: Have you ever noticed?, Pokemon shows.

I didn't like the HOen one's beacuse now thanks to the Hoen one's, not syibng that contest are rubbish BUT they have gone over the top with then now in the anime and everything!
RE: Have you ever noticed?, Pokemon shows.

I hated Hoenn for Max. Max was snobbish, and made May look bad. If there was no May. She'd easily been better. But, Max tagged along, and killed the region.
RE: Have you ever noticed?, Pokemon shows.

MAx was ok but I think the costume for Ash in that region was the best, alothough I do think the episodes were the most repetive in Hoen!
RE: Have you ever noticed?, Pokemon shows.

Sinnoh's is just color alteration. But Hoenn was certainly better than his original outfit (Kanto-Orange Islands-Johto).
RE: Have you ever noticed?, Pokemon shows.

Seasons 1 was the best and season 10 is just plain sweet. I like all seasons though because they have come a very long way to make it this far. They have struggled a few times but they always try to make it look good even though they are struggling.:)
RE: Have you ever noticed?, Pokemon shows.

Sweet Dawn Berlitz said:
I've said this several times before, but all the people who loved the original series need to get their heads out of the sand. It's old and Pokemon HAS gotten better, whether you guys want to say it or not. Sinnoh, since it's the newest, has more episodes that fit something other than these random fillers that have plagued the other series. (And, I know, Sinnoh will suffer the same fate. It might, but they won't give Sinnoh as many fillers, though.)
Well to start of with in Kanto we didn't have all these contest which is what most of the program is now!
RE: Have you ever noticed?, Pokemon shows.

If the took out the contests it would be the same as Kanto pretty much so they had to do that so it would be fun to watch. Some of the contests are pretty sweet too.:)
RE: Have you ever noticed?, Pokemon shows.

Contests aren't boring. It gives something else to watch besides Ash's Gym Battles.
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