BW/BW2 Difficult Times in Pokemon Black or White Version?

Shining Dragon

Aspiring Trainer
What did you have the most trouble with in Pokemon Black or White versions? Was it trying to defeat a gym leader, trying to train your Pokemon, finding out what to do next, etc? Post what you had the most difficulty with while playing these games!
Lenora's Watchhog. Unless I get lucky and find a Sawk, my Fighting-type never lasts the whole battle, dying to a 140 (210 with STAB) Retaliate. And I don't have the patience to find a Throh in Black, where it can only be found in the shaking grass.

Before I discovered the elemental Monkey, the first gym was a royal pain, because everything was so frail. But the monkey eliminates any sort of challenge that gym could provide.

I didn't really find the game that hard though, as there wasn't much of a challenge. But at least it wasn't full of sidequests.
Even with the monkey, I find the 1st gym to be a bit harder than the rest of them, mostly because it's kinda hard to level up your team without Audino appearing...

But the only moment that I really had trouble with was when I fought Ghetsis' Hydreigon. It eliminated my entire team alone...
Bippa201 said:
Lenora's Watchhog. Unless I get lucky and find a Sawk, my Fighting-type never lasts the whole battle, dying to a 140 (210 with STAB) Retaliate. And I don't have the patience to find a Throh in Black, where it can only be found in the shaking grass.
This ^^^

I had the most troble with that Watchhog. It was so much of a beast that I had to level up my team 5 levels more then I should have. With no Fighting type in my team made it more of a challenge.
The hardest thing in the game is by far the relic castle abyssal ruins. If you can make it through that whole thing in less than half an hour without looking anything up you are amazing. All of the battles were really easy though. I just had my Elektross T-Wave Hydreigon and then had my Darmanitan OHKO it with Brick Break, really simple. I didn't even use my legendary against N or Ghetsitis. I always do everything I can before facing a gym so of course I had the monkey, which made gym 1 unbearably easy. Watchog was unmemorable too, I just attacked until it died and it didn't do too much-I don't think it KOed anything. Darmanitan's Fire Punch OHKOs pretty much everything that doesn't resist it ingame, that made it really easy too...overall, I found the game to be by far the easiest Pokemon game I've played.
The hardest things for me in this game are

Elesa: OH MY GOD...she is almost as bad as Whitney O_O Volt Switch is now my most hated move because of this woman

The E4: My god...I had to retry these guys soooooooooo many times. I don't even understand why they were so hard. I guess since they all cancel out they don't really have any kind of weakness...

Ghetesis: This was by far the hardest champion yet...besides Cynthia (O_O Cynthia...y u so hard?) Hydeigon...that is all I have to say about him...
It was all very easy and I didn't power level much. A few Pokemon of important gym's and story developments did deal a massive blow sometimes but nothing I didn't NOT learn from and destroy them with either the next encounter or the next Pokemon I dealt. The elite 4, N and Ghetis was a bit overwhelming and tight. Came quite close to losing so many times against the 'boss' rush and it made me literally on the edge of my seat. Would have spoiled the great ending and tension, if I blacked out.

The only time I think I lost was against the first match with Cheren at the beginning. Oh wait...the elite 4 took some tactics to get into, my Munfunna...Munnana...Munfunnana..? and Zoroark got me through a lot of scrapes with the elite 4. A lot of this stuff was down to luck, I got very lucky sometimes and I made sure that, that mistake never happened again. (Be wary of moves, certain abilities etc) New generation and I had done no research into types or anything, so I think 1 loss with Cheren and a few against the E4 was pretty good.

Hydriegon...I think I just Zoroark'd it with massively boosted stats from Hone Claws.
Relic Castle was a joke of a "puzzle". Drop here go there up here and down there again, Plasma, Volcarona, finished.
Watchhog...Gurdurr. I used Gurdurr all the way through the game because I had no-one to trade with ;_;
The E4 were super hard for me.

I ended up versing them like 10-15 times before I beat them, which is my new personal low

The fighting one was the worst, as almost all my pokemon were weak to fighting and the rest of his pokemon
Oh wow, I fail, I meant Abyssal Ruins. Yeah, Relic Castle was as easy as the rest of the game. It's surprising to me people found the E4 hard, I found them really easy. I needed no items to beat all of them (meaning the 4 combined didn't KO a single of my guys), 1 of my guys was almost down to half health and the rest only took 10-20 damage, and I didn't even grind at all beforehand. All you needed was 1-2 guys with a super effective move on that type, so just having 2 things know crunch makes half the E4 a piece of cake.
Lenora's Watchog ugh... I didn't want to get a Sawk/Throh because I really couldn't be bothered, it would have helped in the longrun, but I like a challenge anyway.

Ghetsis' Hydriegon oh god... On my first playthrough I had to retry like 5 times... On my second playthrough I realised that you could go back to victory road and train... I still had to retry like 4 times...
I level grinded like crazy by mercilessly slaughtering Audino so I didn't have that much trouble - I never even whited/blacked/whatever out.

the hardest part of the game for me was probably Ghetsis. I didn't have trouble with lenora because I had both a timburr and a pignite.
Easily Ghetsis and his Hydreigon. I have always cleared the E4 in one shot, but not this time. I had to restart that thing like 7 times and decided to just lose and train some more. (It didn't help that I was SEVERELY under leveled) There's nothing really hard at all other than Ghetsis. awesome, majestic.....yet such a paaaiiin.
Ghetsis's Hydreigon and Eelektross surprisingly. I used the wrong attack against Hydreigon which could have allowed me to sweep, but instead it dragged on the game quite a long time forcing me to burn Max Revives and Revives to PP stall at one point.

dmaster out.
I'm not sure if I'm qualified to post here, as I only trained my Emboar and didn't have any real trouble. That is, pre-Elite 4. A soon as I beat the game, I went to the Dreamyard. The difficulty spike wasn't overwhelming, but it was way unexpected. But I really had trouble trying to defeat Morimoto and Cynthia with a level 70 or 80 Emboar. Not the best of ideas, and even now I have to use my Emerald clones to help.
Pokemon ex said:
What did you have the most trouble with in Pokemon Black or White versions? Was it trying to defeat a gym leader, trying to train your Pokemon, finding out what to do next, etc? Post what you had the most difficulty with while playing these games!

i think i had the most difficulty beating the gymleader Lenora. Her Watchog is pure evil!!
>_< also, just recently finished the main plot and now im eternally bored :c

(Hey? anyone wanna trade or battle? give me your trainer info and i'll enter u in my pal pad and contact u ASAP, k?)
HoshikoxKazai said:
i think i had the most difficulty beating the gymleader Lenora. Her Watchog is pure evil!!
>_< also, just recently finished the main plot and now im eternally bored :c

(Hey? anyone wanna trade or battle? give me your trainer info and i'll enter u in my pal pad and contact u ASAP, k?)

I thought her watchhog was easy.(I used a Throh) Catilina was the hardest. Darn you musharna! I also have a really hard time hatching eggs. (no patience)