Writing Digimon Adventure Reloaded

Delta Attacker, Armodillomon!
"We're still in the desert!" Joe moaned,
"And we've got no food, so we'll most likely starve" Brett pointed out,
"I can't go on" wailed Kanna, as she fell to the sand. The sun was high in the sky,
"I'll go to see if I can find food" Palmon said as she ran off, about twenty minutes later Palmon came back,
"I've found help" she said happily, as a head popped out of the sand,
"Armadillomon, rookie level data, mammal digimon" Brett read out.
"Hello y'all" he said happily,
"I can help get food if you want" he offered,
"Yeah" everybody replied happily. So they followed Armodillomon for about an hour before the finaly stopped, and Armadillomon started digging, everyone stared in bemusement. The next thing they knew there were piles of fruit all around them, every fruit they imagined was there.
"Enjoy" Armadillomon said, everybody grabbed for as much as they could and ate as much as they could,
"Where you lot going then?" asked Armadillomon,
"We Don't know" replied Kanna,
"That's strange to be going somewhere and not know where somewhere is" said Armadillomon.
"Wait can you here that" Palmon asked, and soon they all heard that roaring sound, then over a sand dune a giant dinosaur appeared,
"Deltamon, Champion level virus, synthetic digimon" Brett read out,
"Triplex Force" Deltamon roared as a beam of energy shot from his mouth and the two heads where his hands would be,
"AHHHHHHHHH" Kanna screamed,
"Kanna, Palmon digivolve to...Sunflowmon" Sunflowmon yelled,
"Sunflowmon, Champion level data, vegetation digimon" Brett read out,
"Smiley Binta" Sunflowmon yelled as the petals around her face shot out at Deltamon,
"Serpent Bite" Deltamon roared as his machine head bit Sunflowmon,
"Armadillomon digivolve to...Ankylomon" Ankylomon yelled,
"Ankylomon, Champion level data, dinosaur digimon" Brett read out,
"Knockout Beat" Ankylomon yelled as he slammed his feet on the ground, pillars of earth hit Deltamon causing him to let go of Sunflowmon,
"Skull Fang" Deltamon roared as he tried to bite Ankylomon,
"Sunshine Beam" Sunflowmon yelled as a beam of energy hit Deltamon he burst into digital data, Sunflowmon dedigivolved back into Palmon,
"If you keep heading north you'll soon be out of this dessert" Ankylomon said,
"Thank you" everyone replied.
End of story 5

Appearing Digimon:



Icy Blast, Hyogamon!
"Hey look it's snowing" said Lee happily,
"Wow" remarked Kanna. Davis had a feeling they were being watched but he decided notto tell anyone,
"Come on, Salamon let's go play with the others" Davis said.
Icy Blast, Hyogamon!
"Hey look it's snowing" said Lee happily,
"Wow" remarked Kanna. Davis had a feeling they were being watched but he decided notto tell anyone,
"Come on, Salamon let's go play with the others" Davis said.
"Iceball Throw" roared Hyogamon,
"Hyogamon, champion level virus, icy digimon" Brett read out,
"You may have beaten me before but you're not beating me this time" he growled,
"We've never seeen you before!" exclaimed Davis,
"Rember Fugamon, Here i am" he growled again, it took everybody by shock.
Icy Blast, Hyogamon!
"Hey look it's snowing" said Lee happily,
"Wow" remarked Kanna. Davis had a feeling they were being watched but he decided notto tell anyone,
"Come on, Salamon let's go play with the others" Davis said.
"Iceball Throw" roared Hyogamon as he threw snowballs at everyone,
"Hyogamon, champion level virus, icy digimon" Brett read out,
"You may have beaten me before but you're not beating me this time" he growled,
"We've never seeen you before!" exclaimed Davis,
"Rember Fugamon, Here I am" he growled again, it took everybody by shock. Davis ran foward as quickly as he could to punch Fugamon,
"Snow Barrier" Hyogamon roared as a wall of ice came out of the ground and hit Davis,
"Throwing Ice" he roared again as he threw icicles at every one,
"You won't... WIN!!!!!" Davis yelled,
"Salamon Digivolve to... Mikemon" Mikemon then yelled,
"Mikemon, Champion level data, beast digimon" Brett read out,
"Come on lets dance Hyogamon" Mikemon teased, Hyogamon roared as he ran at Mikemon,
"Metal Ball Punch" Mikemon yelled as his glove became metal and punched Hyogamon in the stomach,
"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh" Hyogamon roared in pain,
"Cat Claw" Mikemon yelled again as he clawed at Hyogamon's face,
"Ice Cudgel" Hyogamon roared as he hit Mikemon with his club,
"Mikemon" Davis yelled as Mikemon went flying through the air, but he sighed a sigh of relief as Mikemon landed on his feet,
"Tackle Dash" Mikemon yelled as he ran swiftly and punched Hyogamon,
"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh" Hyogamon roared in pain,
"I'm getting out of here" he said as he disappeared, Mikemon glowed as he changed back into Salamon,
"That was great" Davis said as he ran upto Salamon.
End of story 6

Appearing Digimon:
