Digimon World: Dawn


I trust in all my pokemon even this1 v.v
any1 have digimon world: dawn if u do tell me and ill check on this every hour and see who has posted.
If u want to battle tell me if u want to trade digimon(so i heard from the booklet of the game -.-)or battle but i wont tell which digimon i have but you dont either -.- cause i want it to be a surprise for me and you:D
plz post ur friend code (FC) for this game -.-

FC for Digimon World: Dawn[068830845327]
Also if u want u can keep my code if u ever want to trade or battle again:D
cause ill keep urs :D
I have Dawn too, if you wanna match or tradei'll be happy to! But i havent finished the game yet.....so i dont have all digimon obtainable yet!
I love Digimon World: Dawn

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