Pokemon digital monsters in your pocket.

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#1 Demyx Fan!
does anyone think that certain digimon look like pokemon and vice versa?
for instance,
that gnomey wood spirit thing from the 4th series(i used to like it)-shiftry

there are others like mew and seaangelmon but i cant think of them.
These could be somewhat off...

Zudomon - Blastoise
Azulongmon - Gyarados
Pteramon - Aerodactyl
Birdramon - Moltres
Zhuqiaomon - Moltres/Ho-oh
Ikkakumon - Walrein
Poyomon - Castform

Those were all the ones I could think of at the moment.
Ebonwumon - Dodaitose
Lopmon - Mimilop
Well, don't forget some of those (Such as Ikakumon-Walrein) were there BEFORE the Pokémon was there.

Both series base their mons from real-life creatures or mythical creatures/humans. As such, some of them are naturally some alike.
Jaebreue said:
These could be somewhat off...

Zudomon - Blastoise
Azulongmon - Gyarados
Pteramon - Aerodactyl
Birdramon - Moltres
Zhuqiaomon - Moltres/Ho-oh
Ikkakumon - Walrein
Poyomon - Castform

Those were all the ones I could think of at the moment.
Ebonwumon - Dodaitose
Lopmon - Mimilop

Actually Poyomon looks more like Diglett...
Grovyle-Growlmon cuz the attack under the arm thingie. By the way who came first actually?
Croalurk said:
Grovyle-Growlmon cuz the attack under the arm thingie. By the way who came first actually?
From the sources that I've seen, most agree that Pokémon came first in 1995, and Digimon in 1997. Though I've heard other sources say that Digimon came first, but in some way I haven't been able to understand due to the sources' slight lack of clarity.

Raremon - Muk
Calumon - Mew
Sunmon - Sunny Castform
^ agreed....

Digimon is inda dead....

Anyone, Pokemon was made in 1995 and brought out in 1996 and didgimon was in 2000, so pokemon came way before. I always thought digimon was a fake copy. Im not sure anyone likes digimon anymore. It was never as good as pokemon anyway...
both Digimon and Pokemon are great....its good that they are pretty much different in some things, this makes both of them fun to watch coz we can compare them with each other

i agree, some digimon look like pokemon...here's a list:
SaberLeomon = Raikou
ElDoradimon = Torterra
Ankylomon = Torterra ( same head )
Apemon = Infernape
Betamon = Bulbasaur
Flamedramon = Blaziken
Aurumon = Noctowl
Frogmon = Politoed
Sheepmon = Mareep or Flaaffy
Bullmon = Tauros
Manbomon = Feebas or Magikarp
Seahomon = Seadra
Mantaraymon = Mantine
Gorillamon = Slaking
Bearmon = Teddiursa
Starmon = Staryu
Prairiemon = Furret
Yanmamon = Yanma ( soo obvious..hehe )
Pukumon = Qwilfish
Dobermon = Houndoom
Cerberusmon = Houndoom

and there are some more....
just look at their pics for urselves and you be the judge
( try lookin at wikipedia )
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