Dimension Valley and Starmie


Aspiring Trainer
Starmie (Primal Clash) is a strange card. I like strange cards. It's only attack is Synchro Attack, which has a damage base of 10 plus 60 more damage if Starmie and the opponent's active Pokémon have the same number of energy attached to them.

With Dimension Valley, Synchro Attack is a free attack, which is incredible. I am just wondering if there are other facts which might make this card actually useful.

RE: Dimension Valley + Starmie?

I wonder if an opposing pokemon has no energy as well the atack would then do 70 damage instead of just the 10 damage for free.
RE: Dimension Valley + Starmie?

Ironman131 said:
I wonder if an opposing pokemon has no energy as well the atack would then do 70 damage instead of just the 10 damage for free.

Of course, why not? But how often do you face an opponent with an active Pokémon that has no energy. I suppose you could Lysandre a benched Pokémon and use Starmie to deal a nice 70 damage. Not a bad strategy, but limited.

Are there are scenarios, cards, facts, etc. that might make Starmie more useful?
RE: Dimension Valley + Starmie?

I thought of a deck that could work well. Starmie/ Crawdaunt/ Slurpuff. Starmie is your main attacker while crawdaunt can be used ssuper scoop ups as a for of discarding energy, along with using hammers and team flare grunts to discard energy. Slurpuff as a means of drawing more cards.
RE: Dimension Valley + Starmie?

Honestly, considering you have Bats - which you can run with no energy - Starmie can be considered a downgraded. However, you could possibly combine the two sets for a better deck.
I could actually see Starmie as a tech in Siesmotoad/Crawdaunt Decks. With a Muscle Band, Lysandre and Hammers, it could actually be used to KO cards like Mewtwo EX and Deoxys EX to snag those last prizes.
I built a deck online using Starmie, Mew EX, dimension valley, and Crushing hammers, enhanced hammers etc. and ended up OHKO-ing 2 Deoxys EXs in a row! It is a hard deck to run though and rarely works, but when it does it is pretty funny