If you look at it, SP is probably the most popular variants of decks around right now. And about 95% of those SP decks involve Luxray GL Lv.x. Sure, you can't poketurn it, but when you bright look out Vileplume, what are you going to do? You cant warp point and not every deck will run Warp energy. Not to mention, most SP decks run Uxie X, so just bright look it out, retreat to uxie, knock out.
The idea is that you would make it very difficult to even get Luxray out by cutting Premier, Lux, Communication, SP Radar, etc. I don't think this deck wrecks SP as much as most people think, but you are completely wrong here. How often, without trainers, are you going to hit Luxray + Lux X + Uxie + Uxie Lv. X + DCE? Plus, yes, every deck that plays Vileplume will run Warp Energy, as they will also play Spiritomb and I assume they don't like taking autolosses. Have you tested Vileplume/this match-up you're speaking of at all?
Not only that, but Garchomp C LV.X just needs to snipe twice
Without Turns, Exchangers, Energy Gain, and Premier Ball, Garchomp needs to attach 3 energy, swing, attach a DCE (hopefully), pass, and then attach another energy and swing. And that's IF you hit the DCE, and without being KO'd. Not entirely likely.
1. I do think it's good, but thing is that I find Spiritomb to be much better and more widely usable.
Any successful deck involving Vileplume will be run with Spiritomb as well.
flygon solves the problem if youre talking about the retreat, flygon Lv.X kills garchomp C/Luxray/Dialga/Uxie LV.X's
What is it with people on this website wanting to account for every little thing wrong with a deck in the worst possible ways? Flygon is nearly irrelevant in this format, not to mention this deck. Plus, Warp Energy solves your problem much easier, and it's something you're already playing. Flygon has no use here.
there are too many SP counters to an hope-to-be SP counter.
What does this even mean? SP is too easily hated out of the meta, and because this deck hates SP it's bad?
Vileplume's been enjoying a lot of hype and living up to it in my league. It's doing very well against every other deck except Luxchomp, because Luxchomp is the only one consistent enough and versatile enough to fight the lock.
Haven't seen any Vileplume-Bellosom decks yet, but a it's been paired with Gengar and Jumpluff, the latter with better enough IMO.
It's got two weaknesses from what I observe by playing against it. It's objective is to slow down the game, with preferably a Spiritomb or Gastly start. This tries to hurt the metagame which is SP domination, but what about the rogue decks which run evolutions? The slow down doesn't hurt evolution decks as much. Cyclone Energies or Regice can displace Spiritomb, and Sableye/Jirachi to set up. In the meantime I wouldn't hestitate to put down Expert Belts early (in contrast to caution against Luxchomp). Play the stalling game with Vileplume and set up several tankers, and all you need to do is outlast. It's definitely not going to be easy, and it's a real test of your consistency to set-up before the full lock is up. You'll want Judge to shuffle hand-clogging trainers back, or some way to discard them - I run Blissey PL to convert them to potions.
However I think it's popularity will drop once Triumphant and Japan's BDIF comes to our shores.
Although I understand it's not exactly an autowin vs. LuxChomp, what other decks is it beating? It should be primarily tuned to be hurting SP decks, imo.
I also don't see how it doesn't slow down Stage 2 decks, especially "rogue" decks, as it kills their Candies and such.
think about this, luxchomp's goal is six turn, six prizes... why? because it is weak, its just fast... preventing ohko, could ruin that deck, and maxhealing could just make it cry alot
Yeah, having 80 HP basics and being able to gust as well as snipe sure is weak. =\