Discussion #2: How will you stop Steelix Prime?

How popular will Steelix Prime be?

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I'm not worried about Steelix prime because I'm gonna play Scizor for BR's. And of the few seniors in my area who can afford a deck with 4 secret rares, only 1 is likely to run it, so odds are I won't see it anyway.
@ dragon it`s easier to get a basic and turn both searchable over 4 energy drops not all searchable most likely and belt which isn`t searchable
i play steelix prime with scizor prime. 3-3 scizor and 2-2 steelix with no healing cards. You have to ohko steelix, and even if you do I have another scizor ready to go.
Blaziken fb does ruin me everytime tho. It takes to long to set up a second steelix and he 1hkos scizor.
Charizard g lv x surprised me today as well, but scizor was waiting to finish him.

Umbreon and driflblim are the best techs imo, cause I see them as my biggest weakness'.
Fire pokemon just get knocked out but scizor next turn, and they are constantly discarding energies for the big damage attacks.

But if anyone can find a better one I would be greatfull. Crobat prime can't touch szicor and I need a tech for that deck.
@mosherstomper: My local metagame has at least 4 pure Fire decks, and at least another 3 players with Blaziken FB techs. I'm running a 2-2 Glalie AR to counter them, with DCE it can do 20+50 if you have a Stadium, making it 140 against Fire.

Against Umbreon, I have Skuntank G to poison him, and in most cases he can't scratch Steelix anyway so he can't wall forever. I also have 1 Onix UL to do Swing Around, doing 20 with another 20 more for each of two more coin flips.

Drifblim will be a nuisance but I deal with it but setting up another Steelix on the bench before the one upfront goes.

Basically I'd be worried about pure Fire decks then anything else. I'm a bit confused by your last sentence BTW, can you explain?
While Steelix is my favorite prime,there is a lot of stuff out there to stop or slow you down.

Scizor Prime-slows you down real fast
Blaziken FB lv.x-Ouch
Drifblim-while not common in my area,makes your hard work go away in seconds
Typlosion Prime-also while not common,it is still out there
ERL-this is a common tech in a lot of decks

While not all of the above mentiioned cards are used alot(and there is more)there is too many things out there at the moment.

But,I still love Steelix Prime
@julliant my other deck is crobat prime, and steelix is his big weekness since he can't be poisoned. My scizor steelix deck is posted take a look at it and tell me what you think.

The only pure fire deck I can think of is charizard, and with scizor prime setting up so quickly and taking early prizes charizard can't keep his bench full to swing with full force.
Blaziken fb lv x is a huge problem but he can only 1hko steelix if he's belted.
Typhlosion prime is not a problem. My little brother plays a really good build of typhlosion/ursaring and I beat him every time.
I think scizor and steelix work very well together and those things that can take out 1 steelix have scizor to worry about because his attack doesn't have a max
I run two decks. Arceus and Legends. Ho_oh as stated melts steelix.
Arceus has options. Base fire atk is 80, expert belt if needed, etc.