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Disruption Punch! (Seismitoad-EX / Slurpuff)


Aspiring Trainer
Any feedback would be nice, this is my first deck and I have tried it out on tcgone.net; I really like the style of the deck. I am going to miss the last city tournament since I am unable to collect all the cards at the moment. So far I only have purchased half of the deck :(. But I will be ready for the next coming tournaments. Thanks in advance!

Pokemon: 14

  • 4 Seismitoad-EX
    3 Swirlix
    3 Slurpuff
    1 Jirachi-EX
    1 Mewtwo-EX
    2 Reshiram
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 37

  • 3 N
    2 Professor Juniper
    2 Team Flare Grunt
    2 Lysandre
    1 Lysandre's Trump Card
    1 Xerosic
    1 Colress

    4 Hypnotoxic Laser
    3 VS Seeker
    3 Ultra Ball
    4 Muscle Band
    2 Head Ringer
    2 Float Stone
    2 Enhanced Hammer
    1 Computer Search
    1 Escape Rope

    3 Virbank City Gym
Energy: 9

  • 4 Double Colorless Energy
    5 Water Energy

The point of this deck is to lock them down with the toad punch, and use slurrpuff as the draw engine. Mewtwo is the back up killer. The rest of the deck is to disrupt their deck as much as possible while I chip away.
I feel like you need Keldeo-Ex in this deck, so you can abuse the Slurpuff ability, so you could remove 1 Pokemon Center Lady.
Also i don't think you need the Roller Skates, i'd remove it and add 1 more Virbank City Gym, since most of the decks are running 3-4 stadiums.
-1 Pokemon Center lady
-1 Roller skates
+1 Keldeo-Ex
+1 virbank city gym

Ok cool thanks for the advice, also do anyone think Jirachi-EX is worth that support card search? I feel like after that search support. He's like dead weight and free prizes for the opponent? Or is it just me?
If you have 8 Basic Pokemon+JirachiEX, then you will start with Jirachi alone about 6% of the time. Having 9+Jirachi will lower that to 5, and 10+Jirachi puts a lone Jirachi start at 4%. Considering how useful it is for consistency (Including JirachiEX+3 Ultra Balls gives you 4 more cards that can access a Supporter) for the pretty small risk, I include JirachiEX in every deck that doesn't use Garbodor or focuses on non-EX Pokemon, like Donphan. Your opponent can Lysandre it up, but doing so means they draw 2 less cards from N and are open to a counterattack. I'd say keep it.

As for KeldeoEX, it doesn't actually help abuse Slurpuff's Ability. Think about it. If you have SeismitoadEX active then Rush In/Retreat to Slurpuff, you get to draw an extra card but now you need a Switch to get Slurpuff back to the Bench. KeldeoEX isn't really useful, so maybe you could replace it with another Swirlix or a second MewtwoEX (In case one is prized and you really need it).

Hope this helps :D
Sweet thanks for the help! Curious would you think putting in charizardEX or reshirams for keldeo would be good? TO fight against virgen or having a mewtwoEX is a better option overall? Also what are the thoughts on reducing 1 swirlix and 1 slurpuff like the format of 4xtoad/2-2Garbodor (so it would be 4xtoad/2-2slurpuff)?
With this deck your worst matchups are Virizion Genesect (weakness) and Metal (Chrono Wind, and Aegislash). Fortunately, both decks are weak to fire, so if you could find the room for a Pyroar or two and change the water energy to fire you could potentially solve the problem.

If you don't want to go that route (it would probably reduce consistency) then a combination of Spiritomb, another Mewtwo EX, and more Head Ringers would effectively shut VirGen down. I don't have much experience with Metal so I can't tell you what it suffers against. Keldeo would help a lot in the Metal match to get rid of Chrono Wind, but Genesect eats Keldeo alive.

Finally, in response to your question about Slurpuff counts, I would say absolutely do not reduce it to 2-2. Garbodor lines can be low at 2-2 because you only need one Garbodor out, and once you have your first Garbodor you can usually take your time setting up the other. However, the more Slurpuff you have in play the better, and dropping below 3-3 (especially considering your limited Supporter draw, and possible bad luck on prizes) gives you a fairly low chance of succeeding.
NicoSpot said:
With this deck your worst matchups are Virizion Genesect (weakness) and Metal (Chrono Wind, and Aegislash). Fortunately, both decks are weak to fire, so if you could find the room for a Pyroar or two and change the water energy to fire you could potentially solve the problem.

If you don't want to go that route (it would probably reduce consistency) then a combination of Spiritomb, another Mewtwo EX, and more Head Ringers would effectively shut VirGen down. I don't have much experience with Metal so I can't tell you what it suffers against. Keldeo would help a lot in the Metal match to get rid of Chrono Wind, but Genesect eats Keldeo alive.

Finally, in response to your question about Slurpuff counts, I would say absolutely do not reduce it to 2-2. Garbodor lines can be low at 2-2 because you only need one Garbodor out, and once you have your first Garbodor you can usually take your time setting up the other. However, the more Slurpuff you have in play the better, and dropping below 3-3 (especially considering your limited Supporter draw, and possible bad luck on prizes) gives you a fairly low chance of succeeding.

Oh ok sweet thanks for the advice. I am also thinking about something like this would be pretty good?
-1 Kaldeo-EX
-1 water energy
+1 Mewtwo
+1 Reshiram (outrage)
+2 Reshiram (outrage)

*i want to try the 2-2 pyroar method but i dont know how can i fit it in.

also would it be a good idea if i...
-1 muscle band
+1 startling megaphone?