Do the Tini


Aspiring Trainer
18 Pokemon

4 Victini
4-4 Caccino
3 Tornadus
3 Reshiram

? Trainers

4 Plus Power

16 Energy

12 Fire Energy

Strategy: T2 fill up bench and do 100 damage. It can be done with either Caccino or Victini. Tornadus and Reshiram are for basics + consistency.

Problem: Having to choose what trainers to play. i dunno if i should go with judges, N, and TR trickery's, and focus on trying to slow the opponent down, or just stacking up on junipers and ponts, alot more basic acceleration. need somee help in this department.

Dark Rush: adds Tornadus EX for even a more consistant T2 100 dmg and possibly entei EX, and for trainers if u go disruption route, you can add team bads jimu and sabu, but i dont like coin flips at all, seems strong tho.

can use all the insight i can get. thank you.
This deck does not have 50 cards, so it belongs in the Training Facility. I'll move it there for you.
First, I'll give you a sample list.
Pokemon: 15
4-4 Cinccino
4 Victini
2 Aerodactyl
1 Reshiram

Trainers: 30
4 Collector
4 Communication
4 Pluspower
4 Junk arm
3 Catcher
4 Old amber
2 Twist Mountain
2 Switch

Energy: 12
4 {R}
4 Rescue

Total: 57
The purpose of this deck is to fill up your bench with collector, then attack using Cinccino or Victini. Aerodactyl is there to allow you to ko a more wide variety of pokemon. Old amber and Twist mountain are there to set up aerodactyl. Reshiram is a solid, high hp pokemon that can really help you out in a pinch. 4 Rescue allow better swarming. 4 {R} are in there because Victini only needs one to power up his attack. Do NOT use Tornadus EX when it comes out. It's not worth the two prizes. lmk if you like my advice and I'll give you another deck rather similar to this one.
very interesting, i like the addition of aerodactyl, i think that can be quite strong; however, i do think having such little pokemon might be a problem, i would like to see what the other deck is. I set myself up on playtcg, i think its way faster and easier to use then redshark lol. i played 3 games and adjusted the deck 3 times and gradually getting it to be more consistant. Definately need 4-4 collector and communication.
Meh, it's an average amount of pokemon. The other deck involves empoleon and jumpluff. You can combine it with victini and cinncino.
Pokemon: 26
3 Pichu
4-2-4 Empoleon
4-2-4 Jumpluff
2 Aerodactyl
1 Reshiram

Trainers: 29
4 Pokemon collector
4 Rare candy
4 Pokemon communication
4 Junk arm
2 Pluspower
3 Catcher
2 Twist mountain
3 Old amber

Energy: 10
2 Rainbow
4 {G}
4 {W}
Strategy: Just swarm with pichu and use jumpluff or empoleon, depending on the matchup. This is a 65 card list, so cuts are needed. As for cuts, I reccomend cutting aerodactyl and boosting your pluspower count to 4. Hope I helped