Do you have a large collection?

karimsoliman94 said:
i saw this video on youtube of a guy that had every card that was printed in english its pretty cool but i forgot when i saw it or who it was

Thank you for the mention icyFREEZEdragon and karimsoliman94! For those who haven't seen it yet, just click the link to my signature.
I have seven complete tournament level decks with numerous copies of every playable card in the format.

(40x Bebe's Search, 28x Cyrus Conspiracy, 28 TGI Poke Turn...etc. I have multiple copies of Lv. X cards, Luxray GL, Flygon, Blaziken FB etc.)

My wife likes to build sets, we've completed a few as well.
i only have 792. that may not be much to you, but compared to all the people i know, that's like a million. I do have some pretty good cards though. And, i have to buy cards with my own money and i admit im not to keen on working. :) ive been collecting for a while though.