Do you like the introduction of SP pokemon?

elekid957 said:
George2FRESH said:

Only thing stopping that is Unown G. Which every SP Player should run.

lol, most of the G pokemon are psychic type, and th ebest one, toxicroak G, has a body that prevents machamp.... skuntank also laughs in it's face, hitting for 50 and possibly no attack, and if champ X is in play, then it hits for 120...
Why the heck is Machamp X in play? Champ X is rarely in the deck let alone on the field and I would request that people stop putting 'Champ down because of a tech few people use. Not that you'd play the Lvl X when you can either autokill, OHKO or 2HKO all of your opponent's Pokemon for 2 energy. I mean, Toxicroak may be able to 2 shot 'Champ, but so can 'Champ.

Also, you fail to mention that Skuntank has less HP then 'Champ and a double weakness. =/

Just take the KO from the Toxicroaks(if you don't get there first, which isn't that hard) then pick off all the weaklings 1 by 1. Not that hard.

But yeah, so far SP's aren't standing out to me, but come BET, they could be fairly powerful.
^im just saying possibility's... machamp isn't that hard to kill, jit it for 90 with toxicroak and then 10 for posion, and it dies at the end of my turn, not to hard, plus i'm more spammable, using energy gain to hit for 60+poison for 1.
^ Just rember what happens if you cannot get that unknow G on your active pokemon or it gets warp pointed or somehow switched out for another pokmon.
Toxicroak G has a built-in body like Unown G; just send out another Toxicroak G.
The most broken thing about the SP Pokemon is probably Poketurn. They have probably just enough HP to survive an attack from most decks (maybe with Snowpoint) and the addition of Poketurn gives them an edge. Still, the fact that they need Energy Gain for their attacks to be decent concerns me. And then their attacks are still not too good. They dominated Prereleases today, but I don't think they stand a real chance in Tournament play.
Btw, Toxicroak G is definitely NOT the best G Poke there is. It's basically the Unevolved form of Bibarel SF (with the exact same Body -> Nintendo seems to be trolling us here) If anything, it's either Weavile or Crobat.
I like Pokemon G's support, I don't really care for the pokemon though. they will be be played, thanks to their support. I will probably be playing them to, also thanks to their support. And IMO I think power spray is the best card they have.
SP pokemon are really interesting...It's just like the first time Delta pokemon were released. Next thing you know, they become the format.

I kinda like them, and would love to face them. Only 'cause Drapion rips right through them, though. :p
there pretty good, if you can't kill them once, they just go back with poketurn, then you just send it right back out with an energy gain and keep on hitting. it's really easy to do this, with toxicroak G. plus honchkrow makes it so you can have your energy gain and poketurn in your hand ASAP.