XY Do you think Cynthia will return in X and Y?

Want a cute girl go outside there are plenty of cute real girls or women if your older. ;-)

I never cared for Cynthia personally. Like I said the only memorable thing on her team was Garchomp and once again if you can remember Garchomp you should have no problem remembering Metagross, Dragonite, or a Milotic/Ludicolo.
I keep thinking about how there is alot of mix in the pokemon in the X & Y trailer, makes me think that there will be older pokemon in this game, thus if there is older pokemon then the region would be fairly close to the other regions as kanto/johto/hoenn/sinnoh are. Soooo I expect this new region to be nearby and to have cameos from past characters (lol looker).

Maybe this region wil be next to sinnoh like kanto next to johto. Thus Cynthia cameos up the yin yang.

Personally Cynthia is alright but not something to have in all the games. I liked Steven :/ he was cool, but I doubt they will do that, I mean come on, since when does GF ever pander to us
With the route numbering idk. Seems like it will be like Unova and be far away from Sinnoh, Kanto, Johto, Hoenn
safariblade said:
I wouldn't mind seeing her again. I love cameos from previous games. I'd like to see a previous character actually play a big plot role though.


quit reading so much fanfiction

It would be kind of dumb to see the same characters re-used over and over again, especially since this is such a new and unique installment in the series. A reference to past characters here and there would be neat, but just slapping Steven or Cynthia back in the games gives me the impression of a lack of ideas. Also, lol at Cynthia being "hot", you guys need to watch more anime. ;)
Ysmir said:
With the route numbering idk. Seems like it will be like Unova and be far away from Sinnoh, Kanto, Johto, Hoenn

The reason they had Unova only have new pokemon was because its to far away, but since they had old pokemon in the trailer I'm sure it's closer to the other regions than Unova.
True, but then why the route system? For all we know they just added the older pokemon to supplement idk maybe a hardware rotation? (i.e. Not compatible with B/W2, B/W etc)
Ysmir said:
True, but then why the route system? For all we know they just added the older pokemon to supplement idk maybe a hardware rotation? (i.e. Not compatible with B/W2, B/W etc)

To have a pokemon game without all the pokemon, actually I think that's an actual sin, I'm pretty sure. GF said with black and white they wanted a throw back to RBYG and thus started over (route 1, all new pokemon, no reference to old games till post) that's why they had the route system.

Plus they knew people would want there old pokemon on there game so they put those in and let you import your pokemon from gen 4. I can't remember who brought this out but

Gen 1 new pokemon and nothing else
Gen 2 mix of gens
Gen 3 new pokemon and nothing else
Gen 4 mix of gens
Gen 5 new pokemon and nothing else
Gen 6 mix of gens?

And if so then I'm sure they will throw in cameos....even if pointless
catutie said:
Ysmir said:
True, but then why the route system? For all we know they just added the older pokemon to supplement idk maybe a hardware rotation? (i.e. Not compatible with B/W2, B/W etc)

To have a pokemon game without all the pokemon, actually I think that's an actual sin, I'm pretty sure. GF said with black and white they wanted a throw back to RBYG and thus started over (route 1, all new pokemon, no reference to old games till post) that's why they had the route system.

Plus they knew people would want there old pokemon on there game so they put those in and let you import your pokemon from gen 4. I can't remember who brought this out but

Gen 1 new pokemon and nothing else
Gen 2 mix of gens
Gen 3 new pokemon and nothing else
Gen 4 mix of gens
Gen 5 new pokemon and nothing else
Gen 6 mix of gens?

And if so then I'm sure they will throw in cameos....even if pointless
I see a pattern going on...
To be honest, I wouldn't mind too terribly at Cynthia being in the games. She's never bothered me all that much, except for that baby-eating Garchomp of hers. :( Plus, I get the feeling that she's going to be integrated as important in the series or something. Although, on the no more Cynthia side, I wouldn't mind not seeing the Garchomp again ever for the rest of time forever. :)
catutie said:
Ysmir said:
True, but then why the route system? For all we know they just added the older pokemon to supplement idk maybe a hardware rotation? (i.e. Not compatible with B/W2, B/W etc)

To have a pokemon game without all the pokemon, actually I think that's an actual sin, I'm pretty sure. GF said with black and white they wanted a throw back to RBYG and thus started over (route 1, all new pokemon, no reference to old games till post) that's why they had the route system.

Plus they knew people would want there old pokemon on there game so they put those in and let you import your pokemon from gen 4. I can't remember who brought this out but

Gen 1 new pokemon and nothing else
Gen 2 mix of gens
Gen 3 new pokemon and nothing else
Gen 4 mix of gens
Gen 5 new pokemon and nothing else
Gen 6 mix of gens?

And if so then I'm sure they will throw in cameos....even if pointless

Gen 3 had Azurill and Wynaut.
Id say they just try to do something completely fresh when they haven't for a while. There is no hidden sacred plan. They do what makes the most sense at any given moment.

Depending on how fast or slow gens are "forced" to be extended or doomed to be short by hardware changes or similar, gamefreak would adapt. It just happens to look like they have a pattern, they are by no means forced to follow any previous logic.