Do You Think Darkrai LV.X is over hyped?

do you think Darkrai LV.X is over hyped

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Aspiring Trainer
Well I have heard people say darkrai LV.X is great, it is bad and many other things. However, do you think it’s over hyped?

What over hyped means: too popular, too great, too many people like it.

I think it is popular but not overhyped. Start the discussion now, just please be kind about it and no spam or flaming please [it's just a friendly discussion]
I don't think it's overhyped. If anything is overhyped, it's any main card in G&G. I plan on using Darkrai myself, though.
IMO darkra X is a little overhyped, but I think it is agreed that its the best Lv.X in GE, it is very popular, which isn't a bad thing. I think Darkrai X is a very good card, and very versatile as well! So I think it is, how do i say this, perfectly hyped.
I think it's overhyped a lot. I've got a deck I'd like to use at states with it, but no one wants to let go of Darkrai, so I think that's not going to happen for me. I've never seen people so greedy with the Lv. X cards before. It's like "Well I'm not gonna trade mine, but I want yours."
It is so overhyped that it isnt funny!!

Look at how much its going for on ebay and its coming out in a tin in a few months....

Look at was going good until G&G came out and blissey got killed because of fighting weakness but yet look at darkrai X and tell me what weakness he has...and its X2!!! i mean come on almost any fighting pokemon can easily KO it

The simple answer to Darkrai X?? Xatu (SW) 1-1 tech does wonders...what are the chances of flipping 2 tails when you check for sleep? you either flip 1 tails and 1 heads or 2 heads and you stay alive and awake then you use your teched Xatu to change the defending asleep and boom....your awake and they are in trouble...

Sure its a basic with 100HP yet its a Lv.X so it has to be lvled up in active.. its easily sniped by Magmortar LV.X (and maggy decks are one of the most famous right now), KOed auto by Gallade (even if it has a DRE on it and you dont even have to flip over 1 prize), the new hariyama OHKOs it, Lucario (with a Pluspower or Strength charm which almost every deck with lucario runs), Lucario X is a OHKO...shall I even keep going on??

Sure it may be the best Lv.X in GE but its not that far ahead of Cresselia X which IMO is a better card because of a few reasons...1) it heals itself if there is a stadium in play, 2) It takes 2 prizes if it's attack KOs a pokemon, 3) It is a PSYCHIC type and look at what all is weak to psychic, 4) it fits into G&G which is very popular

So i think i hit about everything...yep....
Darkrai was WAAAY overhyped. Two cards beat it: Battle Frontier and Holon WP. They say bye-bye to its PWNage attack and Body, and that's about it for Darkrai.
Put simply: Yep. It's not all it's cracked up to be. I still think Gallade will walk all over Blissrai or whatever you want to call it.
Dudeman1993 said:
Darkrai was WAAAY overhyped. Two cards beat it: Battle Frontier and Holon WP. They say bye-bye to its PWNage attack and Body, and that's about it for Darkrai.

Don't forget Cessation Crystal. Once a Cessation Crystal enter the play field, the entire Darkrai deck will be useless but there is still Windstorm though...
^Darkrai is a basic.

It is by far overhyped. Sure, it adds another 10 for each Energy, but now you die and lose. You don't see people hyping Palkia LV.X or Dialga LV.X, while they have much more potential an use alot more skill (K, Palkia mostly, but still). It is als quite easy to shut down nowadays, especially in this format. It will see States, but it won't win.
Darkrai is incredibly over hyped, and is good for nothing. It is onyl good as a tech in certain dark decks, but it is way too overhyped. it can't do anything, and gallade just hammers it into the floor. Eternal darkness is good and all, but its no-where near as good as some attacks we have. psychich cut for one, I find swamperts attack brilllliant (GE) empoleon, etc... hwo needs Darkrai?

One other thing, it doesn't work with DBW. DBW is a horrible deck, it really isn't good, G and G just owns it, Cresselade also does well, Any fighting card that does descent damage, cessetion beats it, and so does every other card in the TCg, except perhaps magicarp, but even magicarp does quite well. You can play it t1 -_-

But thta is how bad Darkrai lvX and DBW are... sad, but true.

Darkrai is a good tech in alot of decks, and it plays from the bench as it were, but Really it is just because they had to include it otherwise it would look odd. Cressy lvX wihtout Darkrai lvX?
Darkrai Lv. X is way too over hyped. Almost in every deck do you have something that can beat it.

But, hey, you can make decent money off of it on Ebay.
I love when people miss the true potential of a card....But no its not overhyped. Its recieving the attention it desereves. But its not the best lv X in the set. But cresselia is definately more overhyped then darkrai.
No way, I have to disagree there...

What good is Darkrai for? Oh yeh, DBW but that is a really bad deck. I have this thing against DBW, I think it is awful.

Cresselia is very over-hyped yes I admit, but If oyu can set it up, it cna be good. Think of Cresselade, or Bannette + Cresselade, and other combos. I actualy never tried it but ypno works Ok too, it just isn't that good.

yes Cresselia is badly hyped, but Darkrai is worse. I used to think it is amazing, then I learned the sad truth... I used it and lost horribly three times in arow to completely random rouge decks, luckily It was just a game with my friends not a tounrye or anything,and one of those decks was g and G. It was really awful.
darkrai x is not as hyped as i though it would be... i think cresselia x is hyped over a little more than darkrai x. but neither are hyped too much. The hyping is good for those of us who have darkrai x and cressy x :D
EDIT: papi/many, what do you think is the best lv x in the set?
Not overhyped, but it's still a great card, 40DMG for 3 NRG's is bad, but the effect is good, and the body os awesome ;)
Darkrai X is pretty trashy if you ask me. It's not THE worst X around (Y Hlo Thar Torterra and Luckbased Dialga), but yeah...
yes way over hyped. Being good or not, depends on the meta game. If there is a ton of Gallade runing around, oh goodness look out. But if your meta game is going through something like a Bannete stage, well thats a different story! :D
Lou Cypher said:
Darkrai X is pretty trashy if you ask me. It's not THE worst X around (Y Hlo Thar Torterra and Luckbased Dialga), but yeah...
Never faced a good torterra deck have ya? 80-20 gallade matchup. Best lv X in the set is palkia but thats beside the point. Darkrai's first attack is great and his lv Xs attack is amazing. For those of you who need a history lesson, dark gengar was this beastly pokemon with a body that forced the opponet to flip to heads and his attack was drag off with sleep for 30. This cards didn't have the power to win alot of games so mystervious was used instead. Attack was auto-sleep and then its other attack was instant ko if they were still asleep. So this thing combines both into one attack that can auto-ko any unlucky opponet. The body is just a nice bonus that ensures the ko on any poke that lives through the double sleep. And don't get me started on how many good dark decks can use this guy.
Right now I don't think darkrai is overhyped. My honest opinion is when gallade gets stomped by another card sooner or later, darkrai goes wild and pwns the metagame.

FPM wrote: DBW but that is a really bad deck. I have this thing against DBW, I think it is awful.
I have to agree to that. Yes, there are many combos for darkrai/weavile and blissey's the best but that doesn't mean anything. That deck's REALLY hard to set up so T2 decks kill it. So banette could happily wander around again.

And then there's small kids who like darkrai as everyone loves charizard...the exact same thing happens.