Do You Think Darkrai LV.X is over hyped?

do you think Darkrai LV.X is over hyped

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Papi/Manny said:
Best lv X in the set is palkia but thats beside the point.

We aren't often on the same wavelength, but right now it seems we are. I gotta record this moment for history.
Lou Cypher said:
Papi/Manny said:
Best lv X in the set is palkia but thats beside the point.

We aren't often on the same wavelength, but right now it seems we are. I gotta record this moment for history.
LOL yeah. But palkia is definately an amazing tech in many decks. Plus the normal palkia nails beachs extreemely well.
I say darkria lvl x is over hyped. What about mixing it with SW weavile, moonlight stadium and some other lvl x making a lvl x with 0 retreat and 10 extra damage for each dark energy.

oh yeah that is practily dbw, nevermind then.
ok one DWB is darkrai,weavile and blissey , and there is no combo with darkrai,weavile and some other lv.x the deck would have no stratergy, and be hard to play [two darkrai lv.xs are ahrd to play]
Darkrai Lv. X is a decent Pokémon with powerful abilities. It will shut down several decks currently within the metagame. Itself will fight for survival when something else comes along that does something marvelous.
Best lv X in the set is palkia but thats beside the point.

Palkia is quite impressive as to what he is capable of. I run him in a fun deck for the moment, but I am of the belief that Cresselia, once honed correctly will end up becoming the strongest level X in format.

And then there are the nay sayers who think Dialga is terrible because he has a 25% chance to end the turn, even while 75% of the time either nothing happens (which is not bad considering you're considering a risk roll for a MASSIVE cause.) or you end up accelerating ridiculously fast.

Granted, theres not much to go with him, and the only ways to easily get an active Dialga out are:

- Magnezone and a metal energy attached to Dialga
- Weavile Dark Engage with Moonlit Stadium.

And thats about as problematic as he truly gets other than his terrible attack. People are stating that the chance is much too flippy, but when you think about it, if it were any less, I think people would definitely consider the card to be broken. An entire turn is usually considered MASSIVE game advantage on one persons end. Don't believe me? Look at Magic the Gathering. A lot of very good blue cards that rely on gaining an extra turn cost a HUGE load of mana, because in Magic, card acceleration, turn acceleration and gaining an upper hand of control is everything, but a whole turn can be justified by that amount of mana.

The two coin flips justifies Dialga. Its 75% chance of not messing up, and most of the time, you'd be using this at the END of your turn anyways. If you succeed, you not only get to attack, but your opponent is rendered entirely useless for a whole turn, while you dump energies, supporters, get card advantage and everything. Its not just card advantage in this situation, its getting that extra turn ahead to get energies down, play supporters and get that critical card you need. One whole turn can save you an ENTIRE game. Lets also not forget that if this DOES work, you still get to attack AND get an additional attack. Your opponent just gains one turn of you not attacking is all.

So. A situation. You succeed your first time, get two turns ahead with two attacks, maybe knock out two pokemon. Thats two prizes ahead. You miss, but your opponent is still recovering from your onslaught. You're still ahead in prizes and are continuing to build quickly while your opponent lags behind (Hoping for scramble, obviously), even misses after one success do not matter, since you still got everything else done except for your attack. It CAN be afforded. Multiple successes with Dialga can be game breaking because you're gaining so many turns that your opponent just cannot keep up anymore.

I hear all this naysaying going around me. Do your research before you complain. Dialga may not be good in this format, but he's not as terrible as some may think. (I'm hearing some people saying he's the worst Level X in the game, when that is entirely untrue.)

As for Darkrai. lol. Great potential, terrible for the format. Parking him in a deck complete with fighting weaks only makes you that much more suicidal. Good luck against Gardylade. And you guys dropping 100 dollars for a piece of cardboard are insane. Just thought I'd let that one out there.
of course it is!!! not to mention cessation crystal, Holon energy WP, too many fighting type pokemon can OHKO it, also, it can be lumineon's food
umbreondude said:
you have no idea what you're talking aobut , DWB is PWNAGE!

Yeah, um, try it out some time. G&G will walk all over this. So will Cressellade.

Simple solution to do if they run Xatu SW and you run Darkrai: Run Xatu yourself. Play hot potato with the sleep condition.

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What do you mean by that?

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shaymingiratina8717 said:
umbreondude said:
you have no idea what you're talking aobut , DWB is PWNAGE!

Yeah, um, try it out some time. G&G will walk all over this. So will Cressellade.

Simple solution to do if they run Xatu SW and you run Darkrai: Run Xatu yourself. Play hot potato with the sleep condition.

(Note: The following is not spam: I'm just going to post it at the end of all my posts made today.)

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GAG beats it but it in no way outspeeds it. Its just too hard to take down multiple 130 hp pokemon with 60 hp basics and not get prize screwed.
Yeah, The only think Darkrai can truly take out with easy is Ralts, and nothing stays a Ralts for long...

(Note: The following is not spam: I'm just going to post it at the end of all my posts made today.)

Spread the cheer, Great Encouters is here!

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Darkrai LV X would be good if it had a good Darkrai to go with it. Same thing with all the other LV Xs in this set. They are all decent but have no good basic to go with.
right , and g&G may be a problem , but oh well chances in states that i'll face it is 2/10 or 20% and remember ,you never always win ,there is always some one better than you and stop talking aobut palkia and dailga this thread is about and only about darkrai lvl.x and miltank look at magmotor sw and the lv.x electivire sw and the lv.x darkrai 3/106 and the lv.x
and so on and so on , to me milktank your post looks like spam and you are 100% wrong , sure so lv.xs have really bad non-lv.x forms but heck . who cares! we just care about the good lv.xs and their pervous stages and what they combo with