Yeah, but it also has a lot of weaknesses. It depends on what your Meta is, I suppose.
d master342 said:Yeah, I call Rampardos and Flygon "net-hype". Think about it. Nobody would be begging and crying for Flygon if they didn't see the "potential" online. I do see it as a good deck, but not the best. In fact, with Rising Rivals, I doubt there is a BDIF.
dmaster out.
Politoed666 said:Here's the thing; Flygon needs something to run with it. Flygon is mainly a tech against SP decks that was made because they KNEW that SPs were going to overrun the format. Flygon by itself is a decent deck. Combo Flygon with another solid Stage 2 and it's possible the best deck out there.
I'm using Porygon-Z with it, BTW. Broken.
elekid957 said:Politoed666 said:Here's the thing; Flygon needs something to run with it. Flygon is mainly a tech against SP decks that was made because they KNEW that SPs were going to overrun the format. Flygon by itself is a decent deck. Combo Flygon with another solid Stage 2 and it's possible the best deck out there.
I'm using Porygon-Z with it, BTW. Broken.
don't you have to waste 8 spaces for TM's.... I like flygon/machamp or flygon/nidoking best. champ is just ownage against SP's or anything basic (you could run mewtwo, whatever), nido makes it easy to get that last 20 damage on them. like if you had 4 evolved bench (including nidoking) you hit for 120, and then 'king gets you to 120, or 130 with 5 evolved (the magic number)
gengar the baller said:Flygon is overrated. Its an ok deck, but I think if played right it would be decent. It depends on the list and who you combo with it. Also why does everyone bash Rampardos. With a good list its amazing.