Do You Think Flygon Is a Tier-1 Deck?

Do You Think Flygon Is All It's Cracked Up To Be?

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I think everyone should honestly wait to see how everything plays out before they make judgments. See what people come up with, see how things go.
goodlist=tier 1
ok list=tier 2/most likely to slow and destroyed by defean lock
bad list=not a tier deck.
Here's the thing; Flygon needs something to run with it. Flygon is mainly a tech against SP decks that was made because they KNEW that SPs were going to overrun the format. Flygon by itself is a decent deck. Combo Flygon with another solid Stage 2 and it's possible the best deck out there.

I'm using Porygon-Z with it, BTW. Broken.
d master342 said:
Yeah, I call Rampardos and Flygon "net-hype". Think about it. Nobody would be begging and crying for Flygon if they didn't see the "potential" online. I do see it as a good deck, but not the best. In fact, with Rising Rivals, I doubt there is a BDIF.

dmaster out.

Actually, I saw the potential as soon as the spoilers were placed on this website. This meant that I spent a great deal of time perfecting a fast, deadly deck that employs Flygon and does very well at league. Unfortunately, it has been over hyped. The problem is that the card requires a great deal of practice and tweaking in order to work well and many of the "hype readers" do not put that kind of time into the process.
Flygon is overrated. Its an ok deck, but I think if played right it would be decent. It depends on the list and who you combo with it. Also why does everyone bash Rampardos. With a good list its amazing.
Politoed666 said:
Here's the thing; Flygon needs something to run with it. Flygon is mainly a tech against SP decks that was made because they KNEW that SPs were going to overrun the format. Flygon by itself is a decent deck. Combo Flygon with another solid Stage 2 and it's possible the best deck out there.

I'm using Porygon-Z with it, BTW. Broken.

don't you have to waste 8 spaces for TM's.... i like flygon/machamp or flygon/nidoking best. champ is just ownage against SP's or anything basic (you could run mewtwo, whatever), nido makes it easy to get that last 20 damage on them. like if you had 4 evolved bench (including nidoking) you hit for 120, and then 'king gets you to 120, or 130 with 5 evolved (the magic number)
I'd give it T2. Genchamp can 80-20, and i think vibrava would be just as highly ranked if it was a main attacker.
elekid957 said:
Politoed666 said:
Here's the thing; Flygon needs something to run with it. Flygon is mainly a tech against SP decks that was made because they KNEW that SPs were going to overrun the format. Flygon by itself is a decent deck. Combo Flygon with another solid Stage 2 and it's possible the best deck out there.

I'm using Porygon-Z with it, BTW. Broken.

don't you have to waste 8 spaces for TM's.... I like flygon/machamp or flygon/nidoking best. champ is just ownage against SP's or anything basic (you could run mewtwo, whatever), nido makes it easy to get that last 20 damage on them. like if you had 4 evolved bench (including nidoking) you hit for 120, and then 'king gets you to 120, or 130 with 5 evolved (the magic number)

Flygon/Machamp from what I'm hearing is slow to setup, probably not as good as Flygon/Hippowdon (FlyDon) which has gotten alot of attention in the past few months.

Power Spray just kills the deck to prevent Hippowdon Lv. X from reseting the game with it's "Time Spiral" Poke-Power. Ditto LA can easily counter Flygon while Unown G can counter Machamp to prevent getting Basics KO'ed easily.

The way I see it GeChamp is better than FlyChamp and it's faster since you only need at least 2 Energies on Gengar for Poltergiest to do excessive damage depending If your Opponent has alot of Trainers/Supporters in hand.

Call me crazy but Memory Berry might be a good tech for GeChamp to help Gengar use Hoodwink from it's previous level Haunter and helps fill up Trainers and Supporters better than Looker's Investigation and Speed Stadium.

gengar the baller said:
Flygon is overrated. Its an ok deck, but I think if played right it would be decent. It depends on the list and who you combo with it. Also why does everyone bash Rampardos. With a good list its amazing.

Decent eh? that proves that Flygon isn't near Claydol GE or Uxie LA good because of how popular SP-Pokemon and G decks will get with the new stuff from Rising Rivals. It's disappointing really cause it seemed like Flygon Lv. X would have been the perfect counter against Dialga G Lv. X but then again Infernape 4 Lv. X probably would have been better.

Rampardos while it's a great deck loses against Torterrific and G decks, Deafen Lock shuts down Trainers which also shuts down Skull Fossil from being played. No Skull Fossil no Rampardos, and Ambipom G might be a bit of a pain for Rampardos as well not just Machamp.
Don't meantion Torterra. Oh gawd, here comes hype. -___- Turtwig beats Rampardos better.

dmaster out.