I mean, we all know what happened in Sinnoh. First Dawn was a good beginner, Joey was a boss, Kenny was good and Jessilina was a joke. Then, Dawn was a boss, Joey was a boss, Kenny was good and Jessilina was good. Then 2 new coornidators appear. Ursula and Nando. Both are bosses. Finally, everyone became bosses. Top Coornidator is Dawn's primalry rival, Joey. Do you think the same will happen with Showcase? Man, I want Jessie to become queen so bad! But still...It won't happen
Not to mention that this would ruin her disguise. She would be a star and she couldn't help but revealing her true Team Rocket identity. Who do YOU want to win? Of course with 2 or 3 showcases only it's really hard to predict.
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