Do you want Dual Typing back?

Do you want Dual Typing again?

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Blaine said:
Generally, all cards applies Weakness first and then Resistance. Any effect that increase damage (Check Sp. Darkness) is applied before Weakness and Resistance, and effects that reduce damage (Check Sp. Metal) are applied after Weakness and Resistance. Also notice that all SP Pokemons have x2 Weakness and that there will be a new SP Lucario that does the same that Lake Boundary and can´t be stopped by Dialga G.
About the Dual Typing, I´d like to play with as it makes the game more intereesting, though if they do, they´ll have to give dual type to every Pokemon with Dual type and use all Weakness/Resistances possibles. That is good but also bad, because there won´t be different types Pokemon. With this I mean that if there is a Fighting/Fire Infernape with Psychic/Water Weakness, there won´t be an only Fighting Infernape with Psychic Weakness and an only Fire Infernape with Water Weakness, meaning that I can´t tech a Fighting Infernape to go against Water Pokemons in a Fire Infernape deck, nor tech a Fire Infernape/Fire Infernape LV.X to go against Psychic Pokemons in a Fighting Infernape deck. Hope you understand what I mean.

that doesn't neccessarily hold true, after all PUSA isn't above releasing different types of the same have dark and psychic Drapion, psychic and grass Skorupi, grass and psychic Roselia and Roserade...just because they begin dual-typing again, doesn't mean that they will just release every pokemon that way, they can still vary the cards they release...which would make for even more variety and interesting gameplay